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147 total results found
Historical and Geographical Terms in Textbooks for the Lower Grades of Primary School – Foundation for the Localisation of Epic Poems
Zorica Cvetanović, Sanja Blagdanić*, Nikoleta Dobrosavljević *Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade * Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 1 ...
Perception of the Teachers' Contribution to Positive Mental Health by Students of the Teacher Study Programme / Percepcija studenata učiteljskih studija o doprinosu nastavnika pozitivnom ment
Jasna Kudek Mirošević1, Mirjana Radetić-Paić2 1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education 2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, ...
Competencies for Documenting Children’s Play in The Preschool Teachers’ Initial Education / Kompetencije za dokumentiranje dječje igre u inicijalnom obrazovanju odgojitelja
Monika Terlević, Danijela Blanuša Trošelj Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 3 Abstract ...
The quality of educational work in kindergartens with an afternoon shift / Kvaliteta odgojno-obrazovnoga rada u vrtićima s poslijepodnevnom smjenom
Ivona Udovčić Goričanec Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 4 Abstract Abstract should have up to 1800 characters with spa...
Methodological approach to the noun gender and number categories in textbooks for the second grade of elementary school
Ljubica Vesić, Milena Mitrović Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 5 ...
The role of principals’ transformational leadership style and teachers’ motivation in professional development readiness / Uloga transformacijskoga stila vodstva ravnatelja i motivacije odgoj
Petra Gotal, Daria Tot University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 6 A...
Learning experiences from the students’ perspective: Is there continuity in learning between preschool and primary education?
Sanja Blagdanić, Gordana Mišćević Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper:...
The Relationship Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Reading Books, Time Spent Reading, and Academic Achievement of Students in Upper Grades of Elementary School
Helena Obučina1, Majda Rijavec2 Logopedsko-rehabilitacijski Centar Blaži University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,, Education for personal and professional develop...
Exceptions from alternation of consonants by sound in modern Serbian and Croatian orthography normative through the prism of the Belić-Boranić Compromise from 1930
Goran Nikola Zeljić Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 9 Abstract A century...
Satisfaction with promotion of teachers to higher ranks in primary school / Zadovoljstvo napredovanjem učitelja u osnovnoj školi
Kristina Zlatović, Tomislava Vidić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 10 ...
Teacher of Vocational Subjects - Apprentice / Nastavnik strukovnih predmeta - pripravnik
Đurđica Stanešić, Kristina Vokić Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 11 ...
Children's language development and fostering communicative competence within program documents - a historical overview / Dječji jezični razvoj i poticanje komunikacijske kompetencije u progr
Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 12 Abstract This pape...
Children's speech and language development with modern media / Dječji govorni i jezični razvoj uz suvremene medije
Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 13 Abstract This pape...
Self-efficacy of future teachers of early and preschool education in the implementation of musical activities in kindergarten
Lidija Nikolić, Ana Bićanić Faculty of Education, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 14 ...
Usage Evaluation of Learning Management System in Albanian Universities
Virtyt Lesha1, Jozef Bushati2, Imelda Zadeja2 1 Metropolitan University of Tirana 2University of Shkoder,, Education for personal and professional d...
The prevalence of leisure activities – What is the significance of gender and faculty? / Prevalencija aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena – ima li veze spol i fakultet?
Irena Klasnić, Marina Đuranović, Siniša Opić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,, Education for personal and professional developm...
Development of potentials and competences through the KOKODA preschool
Lasta Pavić Orešković Kokoda Mali kućni vrtić Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 17 Abstract The author presents the preschool p...
Creative Andragogic Methods in Teaching Young People who have Completed Formal Education / Kreativne andragoške metode u poučavanju mladih koji su završili formalno obrazovanje
Snježana Dubovicki, Anita Kostanjčar University of Osijek, Faculty of Education, Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 18 ...
Why Arab parents speak English to their children at home
Reima Saado Al-Jarf King Saud University Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 19 Abstract This study sought to find out why ...
What do children teach us / Čemu nas uče djeca
Lejla Kafedžić, Snježana Šušnjara Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Filozofski fakultet, Education for personal and professional development Number of the p...