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LESS IS MORE: A review of shortening the questionnaire on students' attitudes towards artificial intelligence (SATAI) / MANJE JE VIŠE: prikaz skraćivanja upitnika o stavovima studenata prema

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Marija Sablić1, Goran Lapat2, Sofija Vrcelj3

1Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences J. J. Strossmayer, University of Osijek

2Faculty of teacher Education, University of Zagreb

3Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka,,

Education for digital transformation

Number of the paper: 139



Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly present in all areas of life. Previous research has mostly focused on the use of AI from the perspective of students, with almost no research on the attitudes of students - future teachers towards AI. This paper aims to create a shortened version of the original questionnaire that would make it easier to investigate teachers' attitudes towards artificial intelligence in the future. A study was conducted on a sample of 276 students from the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek and Rijeka, and the Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb, using the SATAI questionnaire. The results indicate that the shortened form of the questionnaire correlates very well with the subscales within the attitudes of the respondents towards AI in education compared to the longer version. The research conclusion supports the validity of the shorter form of the questionnaire, whose validity is the same compared to the longer version with half the number of items. Accordingly, teachers can use it to investigate attitudes related to new AI educational methods.

Key words

artificial intelligence, education, instrument validity, SATAI

Marija Sablić1, Goran Lapat2, Sofija Vrcelj3

1Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences J. J. Strossmayer, University of Osijek

2Faculty of teacher Education, University of Zagreb

3Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka,,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za digitalnu transformaciju

Broj rada: 139  


Umjetna inteligencija sve je prisutnija u svim područjima života. Dosadašnja istraživanja uglavnom su bila usmjerena na korištenje umjetne inteligencije (AI) iz perspektive učenika, a gotovo da ne postoje istraživanja o stavovima studenata - budućih nastavnika prema AI. Ovaj rad ima za cilj kreiranje skraćene verzije originalnog upitnika kojom bi se u budućnosti lakše mogli ispitivati stavovi nastavnika o umjetnoj inteligenciji. Na uzorku je od 276 studenata Filozofskih fakultet u Osijeku i Rijeci, te Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu provedeno istraživanje u kojemu je korišten SATAI  upitnik. Rezultati ukazuju kako skraćena forma upitnika vrlo dobro korelira sa subskalama u sklopu stavova ispitanika prema umjetnoj inteligenciji u obrazovanju u odnosu na dužu verziju. Zaključak istraživanja govori u prilog valjanosti kraće forme upitnika čija je valjanost ista u odnosu na dulju verziju uz upola manji broj čestica. Sukladno tome, nastavnici ga mogu koristiti u istraživanju stavova vezanih uz nove AI obrazovne metode.

Ključne riječi

umjetna inteligencija, obrazovanje, SATAI, valjanost instrumenta