CommunicationThe literacy,university whichtextbook includes"Pedagogy readingof literacy,Early isand Preschool Education" edited by Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić represents a comprehensive work providing a historical overview, fundamental concepts, alternative approaches, and key concepts that shape the fundamental outcomefield of teachingearly and preschool education. The textbook offers a contemporary perspective on key topics such as play, learning paradigms, child-centered approaches, the Croatianconcept languageof childhood, family involvement, transitions, early childhood environments, and curriculum.
Highlighting the significance of understanding the historical context in primaryshaping school,contemporary butpractices alsoand an important component inpolicies, the learningtextbook encourages a deeper understanding of this pedagogical discipline. Starting from defining basic pedagogical concepts, it seeks to position the role of all subjects.factors Students(child, mustfamily, beearly ableand topreschool readeducation institutions) in early childhood. Additionally, the book provides an overview of alternative pedagogical concepts commonly present in early and preschool education.
The approach is child-centered, positioning the child as an active participant in their own upbringing and education. The textbook text,explores understandthe it,concept adoptof childhood within socio-cultural contexts, recognizing diverse experiences and identities that shape children's lives. It underscores the importance of family involvement in early education, emphasizing the caregiver's crucial role as a learning partner. Consequently, it andprovides successfullyan apply the acquired knowledge at the level of outcomes set in a certain period of schooling, within a certain subject area. The paper examines the attitudes of elementary school students about the textbooks they learn from and questions the understanding of textbook texts starting from examining the extent to which students understand the meaning of words in textbook texts, and whether there is a connection between understanding the meaning of words and understanding the complete text. The paper investigates whether text difficulty affects the students’ attitude towards the subject and the students’ success in the subject. Furthermore, it examines the connection between students' attitudes towards the Croatian standard language and the understanding of textbook texts. In the theoretical part, the work starts from vertical multilingualism in the mother tongue (Pavličević-Franić, 2011) and connects the acquisition and learningoverview of the Croatiansocial, language (Aladrović Slovaček, 2019) through the contents of different teaching subjectsspatial, and thematerial communicationenvironments skillsthat ofsupport elementarysuch schoolan students.approach.