The universitypaper textbookpresents "Pedagogythe results of Earlyresearch aimed at exploring primary education teachers' conceptualization of the nature and Preschoolpurpose Education"of editedassessment bywhile Adrijanasimultaneously Višnjićexploring Jevtićpotential representscorrelations abetween comprehensiveidentified work providing a historical overview, fundamental concepts, alternative approaches,conceptualizations and key concepts that shape the fieldimplementation of early and preschool education. The textbook offers a contemporary perspective on key topics such as play, learning paradigms, child-centered approaches, the concept of childhood, family involvement, transitions, early childhood environments, and curriculum.
Highlighting the significance of understanding the historical context in shaping contemporary practices and policies, the textbook encourages a deeper understanding of this pedagogical discipline. Starting from defining basic pedagogical concepts, it seeks to position the role of all factors (child, family, early and preschool education institutions) in early childhood. Additionally, the book provides an overview of alternative pedagogical concepts commonly present in early and preschool education.
The approach is child-centered, positioning the child as an active participantassessment in their ownteaching upbringingpractice. The analysis of the conceptualization of the assessment process involves considerations of its reliability and education.significance, its role in fostering student development at both cognitive and affective levels, and the perception of assessment as a tool for ensuring the quality of school and teacher work. Furthermore, the practice of assessment by teachers is examined, and the dominance of its orientation towards promoting student development or preparing students for examination tasks is analyzed. The textbookresearch exploreswas conducted through surveys of primary education teachers in the conceptRepublic of childhoodCroatia. withinThe socio-culturalobtained contexts,results recognizingindicate diversea experiencesstatistically significant correlation between teachers' perceptions of the nature and identitiespurpose thatof shapethe children'sassessment lives.process Itand underscoresits implementation in daily teaching. Teachers who perceive assessment as crucial for personal student development more frequently employ formative assessment methods in their teaching, utilizing them with the aim of fostering student development. The findings inform recommendations for improving assessment practices in primary education, discussing possibilities for enhancing teachers' perception and implementation of assessment, highlighting the importance of familyharnessing involvementits inpotential earlyto education,foster emphasizingholistic thestudent caregiver's crucial role as a learning partner. Consequently, it provides an overview of the social, spatial, and material environments that support such an approach.development.