HumanThe resourcespandemic of the COVID-19 virus has significantly affected the conditions for the realization of the teaching process in education representat arethe world level. Schools and universities were forced to close their doors to their students and move to online learning, leading to a prerequisiteparadigm shift in the way education is delivered (Rashid, 2020). The sudden change posed significant challenges for theteachers, survivalstudents and developmentparents, raising the question of the effectiveness of online teaching and its impact on the future of the education sector.system. However,Given the Europeannew Unioncircumstances andin Croatiawhich areteaching facingtook theplace problemin an online environment, parents, especially of an increasing shortagestudents of teachingyounger staffschool dueage, tobecame severalkey factors, including labor rights. The material labor rights of teaching staff workers are regulated primarily by the Labor Act, but also by special laws related to the education system. Major changes related to salary determination were made by the adoption of a new legal framework that regulates the salary system for the entire public sectorstakeholders in the Republiceducational of Croatia that defines universal salary classes.
In this paper, an overview of the factors affecting the growing shortage of teaching staff in primary and secondary schools was made. The genesis of the legal framework in the Republic of Croatia, which regulates the status and labor material rights of teachers in primary and secondary schools, is presented. A presentation of teaching staff salaries and a comparison of salaries in relation to the average salary in the EU27 countries was made. Salaries were analysed on a monthly basis and compared with other employees in the public sector, corrected for effective working hours.process.
The issuepaper presents the results of possiblea underpaymentsurvey conducted on a sample of 150 respondents, the aim of which was viewedto determine how parents evaluate the quality of remote teaching during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The results of the research show that parents believe that children behaved differently in the contextvirtual of the Salary Ordinance and wasenvironment compared with other public sector employees. From the analysis of the legal framework, it is evident that teaching staff in primary and secondary schools belong to the categoryclassroom ofenvironment, lowerand paidthat highlyteachers educatedshould employeeshave provided better communication and feedback during online classes, and all parents who were actively involved in online classes positively evaluated it quality compared to parents who did not participate in the public sector. Considering the demanding nature of the studies and the small opportunities for advancement, the material labor rights regulated by the existing legal framework make work in education less attractive compared to other jobs in the public sector.process.