Children's language development and fostering communicative competence within program documents - a historical overview / Dječji jezični razvoj i poticanje komunikacijske kompetencije u progr
Tatjana BašićFaculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb | |
Education for personal and professional development |
Number of the paper: 12 |
Abstract |
This paper deals with the problem of language competence as well as competences related to speech and communication and how they are approached in documents, plans and programs and curricula, from 1947 to the present day. The focus of the research is language and speech as a means of communication and the interest of curriculum documents for the development of the same in preschool children. The main goal of the research is to explore the presence, position and importance of competences related to language, speech and communication through a historical-comparative analysis of plans and programs or curricula. Teaching approaches as well as ways of encouraging the development of the mentioned competences are also analyzed. In addition to the analysis of the overlap of activities and content related to the development of the aforementioned competences, the didactic-methodical uniqueness of each plan and program is also analyzed, as well as the degree of freedom, autonomy, and creativity of the implementers. The sample of this historical-comparative analysis are plans and programs from 1947 until 2015 and the National curriculum for early and preschool education.
Key words |
curriculum; historical-comparative analysis; language and communication development plan and program; speech |
Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj |
Broj rada: |
Sažetak |
U ovom radu govori se o problemu jezične kompetencije kao i kompetencijama vezanim uz govor i komunikaciju te načinima bavljenja istim u dokumentima, planovima i programima te kurikulima od 1947. godine do danas. Fokus istraživanja jest jezik i govor kao sredstvo komunikacije te zanimanje kurikulskih dokumenata za razvitak iste kod djece predškolske dobi. Glavni cilj istraživanja jest povijesno-komparativnom analizom planova i programa odnosno kurikula istražiti prisutnost, položaj i važnost kompetencija vezanih uz jezik, govor i komunikaciju. Također se analiziraju i metodički pristupi kao i načini poticanja razvoja spomenutih kompetencija. Uz analizu zastupljenosti aktivnosti i sadržaja vezanih za razvoj navedenih kompetencija, analizira se i didaktičko-metodička posebnost svakog plana i programa kao i stupanj slobode, autonomije i kreativnosti neposrednih provoditelja. Uzorak ove povijesno-komparativne analize su planovi i programi od 1947. do zaključno 2015. i Nacionalnog kurikuluma za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. |
Ključne riječi |
kurikul; razvoj govora, jezika i komunikacije; plan i program; povijesno-komparativna analiza |