Rhythmic gymnastics is a conventional sport that contains its own artistic component. In addition to skillfully manipulating the five required apparatus, rhythmic gymnasts must also control their body movements in harmony with the music to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing performance. The goalsame requires great coordination ability, as one of the most important motor abilities in rhythmic gymnastics. The aim of this quantitativepaper researchwas to construct a coordination assessment test applicable specifically to rhythmic gymnastics. The sample consisted of 40 rhythmic gymnasts aged 9-12. For coordination assessment, three previously developed tests and one newly constructed test were used: "Side gallop with rope". The results show that the newly constructed test measures the coordination necessary for the successful performance in rhythmic gymnastics, but only in the observed sample. There is a statistically significant difference between individual measurements (p<0.05) and a statistically significant correlation (p<0.001), therefore this test is considered reliable. It would be good to examineimplement the opinionsnewly ofconstructed classroomtest teacherswhen aboutselecting children for the frequencyrhythmic ofgymnastics physical and health education classes in primary education and the role of teachers' kinesiology competencies, social support,program, as well as the material working conditions necessary for the implementation of physical and health education classes in primary education. A research study involving 120 classroom teachers from several counties in Croatia during thetransition 2023/2024 school year will examine the relationship between teachers' kinesiology competences, material working conditions, social support, and the frequency of implementing physical and health education classes in primary education. For the purposes of this research, the TZK 99 questionnaire (Petračić, 2023) was modified and contains three parts, i.e. the factors are divided into three categories: 1) kinesiological competences, 2) social support, and 3) material working conditions, with answers given on a Likert scale. Descriptive statistical indicators will be calculated for all variables, while the connection between certain factors and the frequency of physical education classes will be determined by correlation analyses, and the contribution of kinesiology competences, social support and material working conditions to the prediction of the implementation of physical and health education classes in primary education will be determined by hierarchical regression analysis. Given that there are home and regional schoolsmeasurements in the Republictraining of Croatia and their equipment differs from county to county, different results are expected in terms of material working conditions and social support.process.
classroommetric teachers,characteristics, kinesiologymotor competences,abilities, lifelongnewly learning,developed physicaltest, exercise,rhythmic TK curriculum, supporting factors gymnasts