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Kinesiology education and sports

How to encourage physical activity, sports spirit and fair play in children and youth? How to apply kinesiological principles and methods in the development of sports skills and abilities? How to use sports and recreation as a means of promoting health?

Section Editor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijana Hraski; doc. dr. sc. Mateja Kunješić Sušilović

Differences in the manifestation of undesirable behavior in early school-age children during the performance of kinesiology activities with regard to gender

Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja University of Zadar* je...

How child’s gender and parents’ gender affect the play and physical activity of early and preschool age children / Kako spol djeteta i spol roditelja utječe na igru i fizičku aktivnost djece

Ivica Iveković Centar za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju Virovitica ...

Implementation of physical and health education in primary education / Provedba nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju

Ivana Žagar University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education zaga...

Construction of a specific test for coordination assessment in rhythmic gymnastics / Konstrukcija specifičnoga testa za procjenu koordinacije u ritmičkoj gimnastici

Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2 1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Stross...

The influence of sports on the motor development of preschool children / Utjecaj sporta na motorički razvoj djece predškolske dobi

Jelena Šiško, Mateja Kunješić Sušilović*, Marijana Hraski* *Faculty of Teach...

Physical activity as educational value / Tjelesna aktivnost kao odgojna vrijednost

Marko Badrić1, Leona Roca2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagr...

The relationship between diet, leisure-time habits, and the physical fitness of students enrolled in Military Studies at the University of Zagreb

Domagoj Bagarić University of Zagreb, Military Studies domagoj.baga...

Metric characteristics of tests of ball handling skills in preschool age / Metrijske karakterstike testova vještine baratanja loptom u predškolskoj dobi

Marija Lorger1, Ana Luketić2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Za...

Progress in individual components of physical fitness of primary education students with respect to nutritional status / Napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa učenika primarnog

Donata Vidaković Samaržija1, Lara Pavelić Karamatić2 1University of Zadar 2...

Differences in the acquisition and improvement of motor tasks in students with disabilities through different learning methods / Razlike u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkih zadataka kod uče

Katarina Šarčević Ivić-Hofman, Tihomir Vidranski, Ivan Vrbik  University of ...

Relationship between parental upbringing style and children’s use of electronic media and their participation in kinesiology activities / Povezanost roditeljskoga odgoja s korištenjem elektro

Marta Pap1, Srna Jenko Miholić2, Danijela Kuna3 1Primary School Josip Kozara...

Physical fitness as a factor in adolescent health: perspectives and challenges of systematic monitoring in the military system / Tjelesna spremnost kao čimbenik zdravlja adolescenata: Perspe

Lara Pavelić Karamatić1, Donata Vidaković Samaržija2  1Ministry of Defence, ...

Kindergarten teachers' perception of physical activities at preschool age / Percepcija odgojitelja o tjelesnim aktivnostima u predškolskoj dobi

Snježana Mraković1, Ivana Nikolić1, Tomislav Hublin2 1Faculty of Teacher Edu...

The immediate impact of aerobic exercise on pre-math skills of 4–6-year-old children / Neposredan utjecaj aerobnoga vježbanja na predmatematičke vještine djece od 4 do 6 godina

Ivan Šerbetar1, Laura Horvat2, Maja Ivić3 1Faculty of Teacher Education, Uni...

The relationship between students’ perceptions of their school environment and motivation for sport and exercise / Povezanost učeničkih percepcija školskoga okružja i motivacije za sport i tj

Ivan Šerbetar1, Mirta Marija Mušec2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, Universit...