AcceleratedIn digitalizitionthe ongoing action research, the focus is on increasing the digital competences of preschool teachers, one of the key competences of lifelong learning according to the recommendations of the European Commission (General Directorate of the EU for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture, 2019). Recognizing the central role of digital tools in modern society in recent years has had a significant impact onpedagogy, the changeresearch aims to raise the level of digital competences of educators within the institution and respond to their specific needs by encouraging their expertise in the professionaleffective competencesuse of teachers,digital fromtools didactic,and collaborativeresources. to organizational. All these transformations also requireRecognizing the improvementtransformative potential of educationaltechnology competencies. In addition to thein education of(Ali, students,2023), there areis more and more educational challenges that need to be answered. The aim of this work was to investigate teachers' attitudes about educational challenges in school (and thus the necessary pedagogical competences). 250 subject teachers in the Republic of Croatia participated in the online survey. The questionnaire Teacher's Attitudes on Educational Challenges at School (Plaza Leutar and Ivanković, 2024) yielded interesting results showed the neglected educational dimension in modern schools, and at the same time a great need for preventive and educational work with children and young people within the framework of educational process. The results point to thean urgent need to direct students to critical judegment and take personal positions, empower them in dealingeducators with the phenomenanecessary skills and knowledge. Therefore, this action research seeks to bridge the gap between the current competences of materialistic-technologicalpreschool societyteachers and trainthe themrequirements forof responsiblethe modern educational environment. For the purposes of the research, a combination of qualitative and meaningfulquantitative livingresearch methods was used. The initial assessment of the situation in athe societyinstitution required educators to self-assess their digital competences. For the purposes of degradedthe humanity.research, Also,a questionnaire was created and administered to 24 educators. The results of the resultsinitial assessment showed that thealmost partnership between school, family and community is becoming even more important due to the increasing complexity of education. Related to this, there is a need to modernize of teacher's competences with an emphasis on educational components in termshalf of the abilityrespondents do not consider themselves digitally competent, and as many as 71% of them feel the need for training in the areas of information literacy, communication and collaboration, and the creation of digital content. In order to respondachieve toprogress in the school'smentioned educationalareas, requirements.this research implemented IT workshops carried out with teachers who expressed their desire and need for it. At the end of the workshops, data will be collected using the focus group method. The final results will be presented at the STOO 4 conference.