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Creative Andragogic Methods in Teaching Young People who have Completed Formal Education / Kreativne andragoške metode u poučavanju mladih koji su završili formalno obrazovanje

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IrenaSnježana Klasnić,Dubovicki, MarinaAnita Đuranović, Siniša OpićKostanjčar

University of Zagreb,Osijek, Faculty of Teacher Education, Education,,,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 16  


The aimchanges taking place at the European and global level and in national educational policies affect adult education systems, the professional status of andragogues, but also the abilty to determine the competencies required today. We can say that today's circumstances concering adult education is  very different from those that existed in the last decade. In the last ten years, lifelong education has become an imperative for success and one of the researchpreconditions wasfor tosurvival examineon the prevalenceglobal scene.

Today, when the target group is no longer students in the immediate vicinity of leisureeducation activitiesinstitutions, andbut the ways in which students spend their leisure time, in terms of their gender and the faculty attended. The research included 670 students (461 female students), from the first to fifth year of study. The sample comprised students from six facultiesresidents of the Universitywhole world, we must think about teaching in foreign languages, teaching in an online environment, but also about current and potential methods and procedures that will creatively contribute to the competences of Zagrebthe – The Academy of Music (16.4%), The Faculty of Kinesiology (17.3%), The Faculty of Science (17%), The Faculty of Humanitiesindividuals and Socialtheir Sciencescompetitiveness (16.3%),on Thethe Facultylabor ofmarket. EducationWith all the changing components in upbringing and Rehabilitationeducation Sciencesat (16.1%)all levels, the only constant is learning and Theknowledge Facultyacquisition ofthroughout Teacher Education (16.9%). life.

The obtainedconcept resultsof lifelong education pushes the boundaries of education that does not end with formal education and enables changing professions and titles even after formal education, in adulthood, as well as the acquisition of additional competencies. This paper presents certain creative andragogic methods that are especially accepted by the population of younger people who have showncompleted thatthe studentsregular tendeducation system, but want to spendretrain or further train and improve in their leisure time socializing with friends, listening to music and relaxing, and surfing the Internet. The least frequently mentioned leisure activities were involvement in student associations, doing yoga and dancing. Out of 42 variables of leisure activities, six composite variables were created: Cultural activities, Relaxation activities, Electronic media and the Internet, Useful activities, Sport, and Socializing and going out. A statistically significant difference was determined in the prevalence of leisure time in most of the activities, both in terms of students' gender and the faculty they attend. In comparison with their male colleagues, female students tend to spend more of their leisure time engaging in Cultural activities, (Mf = 1.96; Mm = 1.79), Relaxation activities (Mf = 3.26; Mm = 2.90), Useful activities (Mf = 2.24; Mm = 2.12) and Socializing and going out (Mf = 3.05; Mm = 2.78). However, male students tend to spend more leisure time engaging in Sport (Mf = 1.98; Mm = 2.13) than their female colleagues. The results indicate significant differences in the prevalence of leisure activities in terms of the faculty attended, in all composite variables, except Electronic media and the Internet. Research results contribute to a better understanding of the way in which students spend their leisure time. profession.



Key words

faculty;andragogy; genderlifelong difference;education; leisurecompetences; time; studentscreativity

IrenaSnježana Klasnić,Dubovicki, MarinaAnita Đuranović, Siniša OpićKostanjčar

University of Zagreb,Osijek, Faculty of Teacher Education, Education,,,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 16  



CiljPromjene istraživanjakoje biose jedogađaju ispitatina prevalenciju aktivnosti slobodnoga vremenaeuropskoj i načineglobalnoj provođenjarazini slobodnogate vremenau studenatanacionalnim ovisnoobrazovnim opolitikama spolusvakodnevno utječu i Usustave istraživanjuobrazovanja jeodraslih, sudjelovaloprofesionalni 670status studenataandragoga, (461ali studentica),i na određivanje kompetencija koje su im potrebne. Možemo reći da su današnji uvjeti obrazovanja odraslih daleko drugačiji od prveonih do pete godine studija. Uzorkomkoji su bili obuhvaćeni studenti sa šest sastavnica Sveučilištazastupljeni u Zagrebu:prošlome Muzičkadesetljeću. akademijaCjeloživotno (16,4obrazovanje %),u Kineziološkizadnjih fakultetdesetak (17,3godina %),postalo Prirodoslovno-matematičkije fakultetimperativ (17,0uspješnosti %),te Filozofskijedan fakultetod (16,3uvjeta %),opstanka Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskina fakultetglobalnoj (16,1sceni. %) i Učiteljski fakultet (16,9 %).

DobiveniDanas rezultatikada pokazaliciljana su da se studenti u slobodno vrijeme najčešće druže s prijateljima, opuštaju uz glazbu i surfaju internetom, a najrjeđe rade u udruzi studenata, bave se jogom te idu na ples. Od 42 varijable provođenja slobodnoga vremena kreirano je šest kompozitnih varijabli: Kulturne aktivnosti, Opuštajuće aktivnosti, Elektronički medij i internet, Korisne aktivnosti, Sport te Druženje i izlasci. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u prevalenciji aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena na većini aktivnosti i po spolu i po fakultetu na kojem studenti studiraju. Tako studenticeskupina više odnisu svojih kolega studenata slobodno vrijeme provodepolaznici u Kulturnimneposrednoj aktivnostimablizini (Mžvisokih =učilišta 1,96;nego Mmstanovnici =cijeloga 1,79),svijeta, Opuštajućimmoramo aktivnostimapromišljati (Mžo =nastavi 3,26;na Mmstranim =2,90),jezicima, Korisnimnastavi aktivnostimau (Mžonline =okružju, 2,24; Mm = 2,12) te za Druženjeali i izlaskeo (Mžtrenutačnim =i 3,05;potencijalnim Mmmetodama =i 2,78),postupcima dokkoji studenti višće slobodnogana vremenakreativan koristenačin zadoprinijeti Sportkompetencijama (Mžpojedinca =i 1,98;njegovoj Mmkonkurentnost na =tržištu 2,13).rada. RezultatiUz pokazujusve značajnepromjenjive razlikekomponente u prevalencijiodgoju aktivnostii slobodnoga vremena s obzirom na fakultetobrazovanju na svim kompozitnimrazinama, varijablamajedina osimstalna nakonstanta varijablijest Elektronički medijiučenje i internet.stjecanje Nalaziznanja istraživanjakroz doprinosecijeli boljem razumijevanju provođenju slobodnoga vremena studenata.život.

Koncept cjeloživotnoga obrazovanja pomiče granice obrazovanja koje ne završava s formalnim obrazovanjem i omogućuje promjenu zanimanja, ali i zvanja i nakon formalnoga obrazovanja u odrasloj dobi, kao i stjecanje dodatnih kompetencija. U ovome su radu predstavljene određene kreativne andragoške metode koje su posebice prihvaćene kod populacije mlađih osoba koje su izašle iz redovnoga obrazovnoga sustava, ali se žele prekvalificirati ili dodatno osposobljavati i usavršavati u svome zvanju.


Ključne riječi

fakultet;andragogija; slobodnocjeloživotno vrijeme;obrazovanje; spolnekompetencije; razlike;kreativnost studenti