ArtExtended curriculastay programs in elementary schools provide organized care for elementarychildren schoolafter clearlyregular emphasizeclasses, offering an opportunity for integrating various activities, workshops, and projects. Apart from contributing to the needexploration toof opencurriculum creativecontent, spacesthese activities create space and atmosphere for students in different learning contexts.through Theplay issuewithin peer groups, fostering the development and acquisition of creativitydevelopmentally appropriate social and life skills.
Recognizing that children best meet their developmental needs through exploration, movement, and play, and that drama games easily integrate into lesson themes while encouraging active participation, projects "Who am I?", "Learning through play," and "Imagination can do anything" have been developed. Projects are implemented through a series of creative-development workshops using methods of drama education, drama games, exercises, and selected techniques of active and somatically oriented approaches with elements of child psychodrama.
The integration of these methods is particularlyaimed interestingat inachieving theeducational subjectand Croatiandevelopmental Language,goals. whereLearning itbecomes isimplicit foundand applied within the subjectcontext areaof Literatureactivities providing support and Creativity.prevention Certainfor outcomesmaintaining mental health, while also enhancing the school curriculum beyond regular classes.
Describing the methods used in extended stay programs and providing examples of thatwork areawith point out that teaching literature should expose its creative component - encouraging students to give voice to their reading experience creatively. These outcomes are potentially realized through required reading. Innovative required reading teaching methods are increasingly presentchildren in practice,these unitedprograms in(integrated classes for the conceptfirst three years of theelementary Creativeschool) Approachand towith Required Reading (Gabelica & Težak, 2017), which, in addition to an in-depth literary experience, strives to integrate different art areas. Still, in required reading lessons, it is unclear how much space is left for students’ free artistic expression, devoid of default frameworks or teacher expectations. This action research will present the cases of students in three-second grades of primary school in the process of free creative expression after experiencing the required reading works. Observing the students as creatively competentinterested individuals and thengroups immersing(grades 4 to 8) will demonstrate the significance and contribution of learning through play in theeducational creative space that will be opened in the literature lesson itself, the research will try to give insight into the potential of students’ experience of a literary work for authentic artistic