Preskoči na glavni sadržaj

The importance of art education for the cognitive, social and emotional development of children and youth

How to encourage creativity, imagination, expression and critical thinking? How to learn about yourself, others and the world through art?

Section Editor: dr. sc. Diana Piljek Atanasov; prof. art. Luka Petrač

Umjetnost i djeca

Lana Gospodnetić Dječji vrtić Špansko, Zagreb gospodneticlana4@gmai...

The possibility of applying STEAM activities in preschool education from the perspective of fine arts / Mogućnost primjene STEAM aktivnosti u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju iz perspektive

Milka Jakovljević Dječji vrtić Špansko, Zagreb milka.jakovljevic@ho...

Life painting - art as a stimulus to the development of phonological awareness

Martina Burazer, Borka Batinić Puškarić, Valentina Rosković Dječji vrtić Trešn...

Drawing as a method of teaching: An example from 1885 / Crtanje kao metoda nastave: primjer iz 1885. godine

Filip Brčić Sveučilište u Zagrebi, Filozofski fakultet fbrcic18@gma...

Exploring the Attitudes of Students and Artists towards Creativity in Visual Expression

Dunja Pivac*, Ivona Pupačić, Bojan Vondra *Arts Academy University of Split ...

“Children’s drawings should be nice, cheerful, and colorful” – personal notions of preschool teachers related to visual art activities in the kindergarten

Vera Večanski, Nevena Buđevac Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade ...

Visual abstraction as a key competence for critical thinking through art practice

Dominik Lengyel BTU Brandenburg University of Technology Faculty for Architec...

Mathematics in neoplasticism, neoplasticism in mathematics

Nikol Radović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy   nradovic@ge...

Integrating art education and literature, or how did the fairy tale “Thumbelina” by H. C. Andersen connect us?

Ana Sarvanović, Bojan Marković Faculty of Teacher Education, University of B...

Contemporary strategies and teaching methods in preparing and implementing art activities in kindergarten / Suvremene strategije i metode rada u organiziranju i provođenju likovnih aktivnosti

Svetlana Novaković Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ...

Pre-primary teachers' perception of preschool children's visual-art creativity / Percepcija odgojitelja o likovnoj kreativnosti djece predškolske dobi

Svetlana Novaković, Ema Dugandžić Faculty of Teacher Education, University o...

Are traditional art education methods still relevant in today's modern era? Exploring Henry Schaefer-Simmern's ideas

Marija Pavlović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Teacher Education   ...

Non-visual motives in art education: visualization, correlation, synesthesia and ideaesthesia / Nevizualni motivi u likovnoj edukaciji: vizualizacija, korelacija, sinestezija i ideastezija

Miroslav Huzjak Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ...

Croatia and Italy: National Curricula and the Artistic Music Education in the 0 to 6 years system

Valentina Fanelli University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum   valen...

Quality of education in ECEC (0-6 years): The contribution of art music

Carla Cuomo University of Bologna Department of Arts, Visual Performing Media ...

Goals and objectives of singing in Croatian primary school / Ciljevi i zadaće pjevanja u hrvatskoj osnovnoj školi

Tomislav Košta University of Zadar ...

Listening to concerts to enhance students' perception of music quality / Slušanje koncerata u svrhu povećanja studentske percepcije kvalitete glazbe

Tomislav Vrandečić, Ivana Zvonković, Magdalena Rogošić University of Zagreb,...

Attending cultural events as a prerequisite for successful practice of future educators in the field of music activities / Pohađanje kulturnih događanja kao preduvjet uspješne prakse budućih

Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben University of Zagreb, Faculty of ...

Understanding cultural diversity and intercultural competences in music education: Perspectives of teacher education students

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić, Martina Mičija Palić, Tomislav Cvrtila University of...

Everyone can improvise: Music improvisation pedagogy in the early childhood education context / Svatko može improvizirati: pedagogija glazbene improvizacije u kontekstu predškolskoga odgoja

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb,...

School climate, sense of satisfaction and belonging to school and school music activities - literature review / Školska klima, osjećaj zadovoljstva i pripadnosti školi i školske glazbene akti

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb,...

Teaching Instrument Classes (Today) For Tomorrow / Nastava sviranja (danas za) sutra

Diana Atanasov Piljek1, Ivan Batoš2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teache...

Croatian music academy and teacher education students’ perceptions on the use of artificial intelligence in general music education

Nikola Jambrošić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, ...

Children's creativity within the Functional Music Pedagogy by Elly Bašić / Dječje stvaralaštvo u funkcionalnoj muzičkoj pedagogiji Elly Bašić

Denis Vasilj Zlatko Baloković Music School, Zagreb denisvasilj@gmai...

Word associations and the development of emotion and affective state nouns in elementary school students / Verbalne asocijacije i razvoj imenica za emocije i afektivna stanja kod učenika osno

Ana Petrović Dakić University of Belgrade, Faculty of teacher Education ...

Required reading as an incentive for free art creativity / Lektira kao poticaj za slobodno umjetničko stvaralaštvo

Katarina Kralj Kreković OŠ Ivan Benković, Dugo Selo katarina.kralj1...

Creative-development workshops in schools’ extended stay: Integration of drama education, elements of child psychodrama, and somatically oriented approach

Irena Vitaljić Elementary School K. Š. Gjalski, University of Applied Health...