ThisArtificial paperintelligence explores(AI) technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent in the potentialeducational benefitssystem, offering new opportunities for improving learning and teaching processes. The main aim of contentthis interventionresearch was to examine the general perception of students from music academies and teacher faculties in the Republic of Croatia regarding the use of AI in music instrumenteducation classes,in i.e.,elementary incorporatingand non-classicalsecondary general education schools to understand their perspectives and needs upon which educational policies and practices could be enhanced.
Key questions included analyzing students' opinions and attitudes toward AI, the usefulness and applicability of AI technologies in music literatureeducation and assessing their readiness to integrate these technologies into pianotheir future professional practices. Data was collected by surveying 400 students from various institutions and otherdifferent instrumental classes. A portionyears of thestudy. traditionalData curriculumanalysis wouldwas beconducted replacedusing withquantitative piecesmethods. thatThe alignpreliminary withresults revealed students' positive attitudes towards integrating AI in music education, emphasizing expectations for improving the students'quality preferredof musicaleducation genres.through This integrates interactivepersonalized learning methods,and useinnovative teaching methods.
Thus, this research provides insight into the current perceptions of future music educators and teachers of music technologyculture asand amusic practicalart tool,regarding individualizedAI, approachsuggesting the need to eachdirect participant,educational policies and integrationcurricula oftoward differentdeveloping musiccompetences stylesrequired to use and techniquesunderstand whileAI encouraging creative and comprehensive approaches to music education. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, consisting of quantitative research through a questionnaire with open-ended and Likert scale questions and a qualitative case study to investigate the teaching content of instrumental classes. The participants, students from the Music and Media program at the University Northtechnologies in Varaždineducational and the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Zagreb, confirmed the primary hypothesis that the curriculum should be adapted to include a smaller portion of individualized instruction alongside classical music literature to increase student engagement and relevance to their everyday lives.
This would result in improved instrumental skills and the development of music expression and interpretation arising from the emotional aspect of experiencing music, thereby motivating students to practice without neglecting the classical music literature which forms the foundation of the entire expression.contexts.