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Development of vocational curricula as part of the ESF project Modernisation of the Vocational Education and Training System in the Health sector

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JasnaĐurđica Kudek Mirošević1Stanešić, MirjanaVišnja Radetić-Paić2Pranjić

1Škola Universityza ofmedicinske Zagreb,sestre FacultyMlinarska, of Teacher Education Croatia

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,

Education for personal and professionalsustainable development

Number of the paper: 2101  


InThe today'sproject rhythmtitled Modernisation of lifethe Vocational Education and Training System was implemented by the prevalenceAgency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. Its aim is to develop attractive, innovative and relevant vocational education and training linked with the labor market (ASOO). The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund. The ultimate goal of mentalthe healthproject problemsis amongto youngdevelop people,new therevocational curricula tailored to the needs of the contemporary labor market requirements and modern pedagogical guidelines. A breakthrough in pedagogical practice is the planning of vocational curricula in modules. The module is a growinglogical needand atmeaningful facultiesunit forin strategieswhich different learning outcomes are linked together. In each sector, a sectoral curriculum is developed that promoteforms the sectoral core: subjects common to all curricula within the sector and maintain a highsub-sectoral levelpart common to related professions. The paper describes the development of students’vocational mental health and their well-being. Students face different challenges that can significantly affect their academic success, personal development and overall quality of life, and this requires the involvement of their teachers in creating a stimulating environment that would nurture the mental well-being of students. The aim of this research was to investigate whether there were differencescurricula in the self-assessments of positive mental health by students who did and who did not have their teachers' support during studies and determine what specific features of positive mental health were involved. The sample of participants consisted of 359 students of the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb, Croatia and the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Jurja Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia. For the purposes of the research, the Mental health continuum-short form -MHC-SF questionnaire was used and an independent scale related to individual features of the environment support was added. Differences in the self-assessments of individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health were examined based on discriminant analysis in order to gain insight into the latent dimensions of these differences. The results confirmed the existence of statistically significant differences in the self-assessment of individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health considering the support or lack of support given by their university teachers. Regardless of the characteristics of teacher support, the results also showed that a certain number of students felt that teachers did not provide support when it comes to positive mental health characteristics.sector.


Key words

environment;Health personalsector; development;module; psychoemotionalvocational gain; quality of life; support strategiescurricula

JasnaĐurđica Kudek Mirošević1Stanešić, MirjanaVišnja Radetić-Paić2Pranjić

1Škola Universityza ofmedicinske Zagreb,sestre FacultyMlinarska, of Teacher Education Croatia

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalniodrživi razvoj

Broj rada: 2101  


UProjekt današnjem„Modernizacija brzomsustava ritmustrukovnoga životaobrazovanja i prevalencijiosposobljavanja” problema mentalnoga zdravlja među mladima, sverealizirala je veća potreba na fakultetimaAgencija za strategijamastrukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih. Njegova svrha je razvoj strukovnoga obrazovanja i osposobljavanja koje promičuje privlačno, inovativno, relevantno i održavajupovezano visokus razinutržištem mentalnogarada zdravlja(ASOO). studenataProjekt je sufinanciran sredstvima iz Europskoga socijalnog fonda. Krajnji je cilj projekta razvoj novih strukovnih kurikula usklađenih s potrebama, rada ali i njihovemodernim dobrobiti.pedagoškim Studentismjernicama. se suočavaju s različitim izazovima koji mogu značajno utjecati na njihov akademski uspjeh, osobni razvoj i ukupnu kvalitetu života, što ima za potrebu uključivanje njihovih nastavnikaIskorak u stvaranjupedagoškoj poticajnogapraksi okružjajest kojeplaniranje njegujestrukovnih mentalnu dobrobit studenata. Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti postoje li razlikekurikula u samoprocjenamamodulima. pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja studenata koji imaju i koji nemaju podršku nastavnika tijekom studiranja i, ako postoje, o kojim se specifičnim obilježjima pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja radi. Uzorak sudionikaModul čini 359logičnu studenatai Učiteljskogsmislenu fakulteta Sveučilištacjelinu u Zagrebukojoj su povezani skupovi ishoda učenja. U svakom sektoru razvija se i Fakultetasektorski zakurikul odgojnekoji ičini obrazovnesektorsku znanostijezgru: Sveučilištapredmete Jurjazajedničke Dobrilesvim kurikulima unutar sektora te podsektorski dio zajednički srodnim zanimanjima. U radu je opisan razvoj strukovnih kurikula u Puli.sektoru Za potrebe istraživanja korišten je upitnik Mental health continuum-short form -MHC-SF te je dodana i neovisna skala vezana za pojedina obilježja podrške okružja. Razlike u samoprocjeni pojedinih obilježja pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja studenata ispitane su temeljem diskriminacijske analize kako bi se stekao uvid u latentne dimenzije tih razlika. Rezultati potvrđuju postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u samoprocjeni pojedinih obilježja pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja studenata koji imaju i koji nemaju podršku sveučilišnih nastavnika. Neovisno o podršci nastavnika, rezultati također pokazuju da određeni broj studenata smatra da im nastavnici ne pružaju podršku kada su u pitanju pozitivna obilježja mentalnoga zdravlja.   Zdravstvo.

Ključne riječi

kvalitetamodul; života;sektor okružje;Zdravstvo; osobnistrukovni razvoj; psihoemocionalna dobit; strategije podrškekurikul