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Differences in the acquisition and improvement of motor tasks in students with disabilities through different learning methods / Razlike u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkih zadataka kod uče

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Katarina Šarčević Ivić-Hofman, Tihomir Vidranski, Ivan Vrbik 

University of Slavonski Brod

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 180



Difficulties in acquiring and perfecting motor tasks for students with disabilities can represent a significant challenge, but with an adapted approach and support they can be overcome. This may include individualized exercises and activities that are tailored to the needs of students, the use of visual and tactile aids to support learning, and encouragement of collaboration and support between teachers and parents.

The aim of this research is to examine whether there are differences between students with disabilities in acquiring and perfecting a motor task during certain learning methods. For the purposes of the research, an evaluation questionnaire was created in the application of methodological principles of the organization of physical exercise in the teaching of physical education (PE), which is part of the institutional project "Didactic-methodological difficulties in classroom teaching with students with special educational needs. ". The sub-sample of students includes 5 groups, namely 64 students with intellectual disabilities, 51 with impaired language-speech-voice communication, 32 with ADHD, 25 with an autism spectrum disorder, while other disabilities were represented to a lesser extent and made up one group in the observed sample. 

Non-parametric methods were used in the work, and the results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that there are statistically significant differences between students with difficulties in certain methods of learning a motor task: when using the situational learning method (χ2(4) = 26.14, p = .00) and when using the analytical method learning (χ2(4) = 28.79, p = .00), especially for students with autism spectrum disorders. 

The results show that students with disabilities, especially students with an autism spectrum disorder, need additional support in certain methods of learning motor tasks.

Key words

acquisition and improvement of the motor task, customized approach, learning methods, students with disabilities, support
Katarina Šarčević Ivić-Hofman, Tihomir Vidranski, Ivan Vrbik 

University of Slavonski Brod

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 180  


Poteškoće u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkih zadataka kod učenika s teškoćama mogu predstavljati značajan izazov, ali prilagođenim pristupom i podrškom mogu se prevladati. To može uključivati individualizirane vježbe i aktivnosti koje su prilagođene potrebama učenika, upotrebu vizualnih i taktilnih pomagala za potporu učenju te poticanje suradnje i podrške između učitelja i roditelja.

Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati postoje li razlike između učenika s teškoćama u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkoga zadatka prilikom pojedinih metoda učenja. Za svrhu istraživanja osmišljen je upitnik vrednovanja u primjeni metodičkih zakonitosti organizacije tjelesnoga vježbanja u nastavi TZK koji je dio institucijskoga projekta „Didaktičko-metodičke poteškoće u razrednoj nastavi s učenicima s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama“.

Od 309 učitelja, njih 185 trenutačno je u svojem razrednom odjelu poučavalo učenika s teškoćama. Poduzorak učenika obuhvaća 5 grupa: 64 učenika s intelektualnim teškoćama, 51 s oštećenjem jezično-govorno-glasovne komunikacije i specifičnim teškoćama učenja, 32 s ADHD-om, 25 s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, dok su ostale teškoće bile zastupljene u manjoj mjeri i sačinjavale su jednu grupu u promatranom uzorku.

U radu su korištene neparametrijske metode te rezultati Kruskal Wallis testa koji su pokazali da postoje statistički značajne razlike između učenika s teškoćama u pojedinim metodama učenja motoričkoga zadatka: prilikom situacijske metode učenja (χ2(4) = 2,14, p = ,00) i prilikom analitičke metode učenja (χ2(4) = 28,79, p = ,00), posebno kod učenika s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Rezultati pokazuju da je učenicima s teškoćama, posebno učenicima s poremećajem iz spektra autizma potrebna dodatna podrška u pojedinim metodama učenja motoričkog zadatka. 

Ključne riječi

metode učenja; učenici s teškoćama; usvajanje i usavršavanje motoričkoga zadatka; prilagođeni pristup; podrška