TheDifficulties benefitsin ofacquiring monitoringand physicalperfecting fitnessmotor aretasks multifaceted.for Itstudents provideswith informationdisabilities thatcan represent a significant challenge, but with an adapted approach and support they can be directedovercome. forThis preventionmay include individualized exercises and improvementactivities that are tailored to the needs of health,students, indicatesthe anuse individual'sof progress,visual and providestactile aids to support learning, and encouragement of collaboration and support between teachers and parents.
The aim of this research is to examine whether there are differences between students with disabilities in acquiring and perfecting a motor task during certain learning methods. For the ability of targeting on individual sports. The purposepurposes of the paperresearch, isan toevaluation assessquestionnaire was created in the progressapplication inof individualmethodological componentsprinciples of the organization of physical fitnessexercise in the teaching of physical education (PE), which is part of the institutional project "Didactic-methodological difficulties in classroom teaching with students with special educational needs. ". The sub-sample of students duringincludes the5 schoolgroups, year,namely 64 students with intellectual disabilities, 51 with impaired language-speech-voice communication, 32 with ADHD, 25 with an autism spectrum disorder, while other disabilities were represented to a lesser extent and tomade assessup theone significance of differencesgroup in the progressobserved ofsample. certain components of physical fitness with regard to nutritional status.
Methods:Non-parametric Themethods studywere wasused conductedin onthe a sample of 39 third graders of primary school (9 years ± 6 months). The motor component of physical fitness was evaluated based on hand taping tests, standing long jump, polygon backwards, sit up test, and sit and reach test. The cardiorespiratory component was evaluated using 3-minute running tests,work, and the morphological component based on body mass index. Basic descriptive indicators were calculated, and univariate analysisresults of variancethe wasKruskal usedWallis totest assessshowed progressthat inthere individualare componentsstatistically ofsignificant physical fitnessdifferences between the first and second measurements according to nutritional status.
Results: Of the total sample, 74.36% had a normal nutritional status, 20.51% were overweight, and 5.13% were obese. In the first measurement, regarding the nutritional status, a significant difference was obtained in the hand tapping test, and in the second measurement in all motor tests. Respondentsstudents with normal weight achieved the best results in tests for speed, explosive power, coordination, and repetitive power. Also, respondents with a normal nutritional status achieved the best results in tests for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness.
Conclusion: Nutritional status can be reflected on progressdifficulties in certain componentsmethods of physicallearning fitness.a motor task: when using the situational learning method (χ2(4) = 26.14, p = .00) and when using the analytical method learning (χ2(4) = 28.79, p = .00), especially for students with autism spectrum disorders.
The results show that students with disabilities, especially students with an autism spectrum disorder, need additional support in certain methods of learning motor tasks.