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Educational system in Japan and R.N. Macedonia: Lessons from Japan

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DanijelaJadranka JuracRuncheva1, BogdankaKiril ConjarBarbareev1, Yumi Takahaski2

1Osnovna škola Banija, 1Goce Delcev University

2OsnovnaAnthropology, školaand GrabrikInternational Development Program, American University of Central Asia,,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 4648  


ThroughThe participatingeducational system in thisJapan workshopis participantsoften willregarded learnas howsuccessful and as a good example for others for several reasons: strong emphasis on discipline and respect, teacher quality and training, well-defined educational goals, strong support system, cultural factors. This was more than enough reason (for the Macedonian educational context) to use a new method of working with literature to increaseexplore the motivationeducational ofsystem theirin studentsJapan toin read.several Usingsegments. dramaIn methods,the paper, we developgive communicationan abilities, empathy, enable immersion in various characters, becoming awareoverview of the importanceeducational system in Japan from pre-school to higher education, while our focus is on preschool education and primary education. In parallel with the presentation of reading.the Participantssituation activelyin goJapan, throughwe also present the wholesituation process,in freelyMacedonia. expressOur themselvesattention in the educational segments is focused on the education and releaseorganization theiraspects. ownThe creativedifferences potentials,between developthese creativitytwo countries are big, naturally each of them is developing in a direction conditioned by the historical past, culture, economic power, but the desire for continuous improvement and enrichestrengthening needs to exist. Good educational practices and successes are an important roadmap showing the expression skills. Immersiondirection in certainwhich roleswe should move and situationsimprove. with movement and words enables the realization of educational and functional tasks.

The participants will master concrete drama procedures and drama games that they can apply in their class activities in various ways.

Dramatization is a form of knowing oneself and the world, and by mastering drama techniques, the teacher becomeses more successful organizer of activities. 

Key words

dramagood methods;practices, learningJapan, throughMacedonia, experience;preschool learningeducation, throughprimary movementschool education