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eTwinning in initial teacher education for personal and professional development

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MirjanaMarzia Beara BenjakLuzzini1, SnježanaIvana DubovickiMilković2, IvanaEsther MilojevićLuisa Nieto Moreno de Diezmas3  Sandra Reami4

1 University of Sacred Heart in Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology & ArtMilan

2FacultyUniversity of Education,Zagreb, Universityfaculty Josipof JurajTeacher Strossmayer, Osijek Education

3University of Castilla-La Mancha, Faculty of EducationMetafuture

1 University of Bologna,,,,,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 3139  


FutureseTwinning Studiesas ispart of the European School Education Platform (ESEP) offers a disciplinesafe thatplatform exploresfor potential,international probable,collaboration on educational projects. Since research in pre-primary, primary and preferredsecondary futures,educational employingsettings diverseproved many benefits for both teachers and imaginativepupils methodologieswho participated in eTwinning projects, eTwinning has gained momentum in the initial teacher education as an opportunity to dobetter so.prepare Onefuture suchteachers method isfor the Polaklife Game,and work in the 21st century. 

eTwinning in initial teacher education has been used for personal and professional development of future teachers and as a researchpossible toolsupport usedfor the development of key competences, including autonomy, creativity, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. The participation in eTwinning projects provides the opportunity to assesspromote bothproject-based teaching and learning, inter-/multi-disciplinary work, and to develop linguistic and digital competences. eTwinning offers the essenceperfect environment for European openness and internationalization, which promotes intercultural competences and, at the same time, the development of optimism/pessimismprofessional andskills, useful for future teachers.

This paper presents the influenceresults thereof, applied not only in Futures Studies but also across various fields including Education. This game, employingof a 2x2survey matrixconducted to capture participants' perspectives on the future, has seen extensive use in these domains. Our study aimed to investigate how current universityamong students of Philologythree European countries (Italy, Spain, and EducationCroatia) who participated in Serbiaan andeTwinning Croatiaproject. perceiveThe study aims to compare the futurestudent of education. The methodology involved students completing an online questionnaire featuring the Polak Game, alongside open-ended questions regarding their metaphors for the future of education and theirteachers’ opinions on itspersonal currentand state.professional Additionally,benefits studentsof ratedeTwinning with respect to their desirecountry toof workstudies. 

The key findings of this study indicate the personal and professional benefits of using eTwinning as teachers in schools on a scale from 1 to 10. The sample comprised 204 students (122 from Serbia and 82 from Croatia). Results indicated a predominantly essence-pessimistic view of thean educational future among Serbian students (81%), though less pronouncedtool in the Croatian sample (54.9%). Conversely, the leveleducation of influence-optimism was similar in both groups (79.5% in Serbia, 74.4% in Croatia), suggesting that despite differing levels of essence-pessimism/optimism, students in both countries harbor an optimistic outlook regarding their own impact on the future of education. Notably, students from both Croatianteachers and Serbianpoint facultiesout ofareas educationfor expressedpossible a strong desire to work in schools (scoring an average of 9 on a 1-10 scale), whereas Serbian philology students exhibited less enthusiasm (with an average score of 6). The metaphors chosen by students to characterize their views on the future of education were found to align with their respective optimism/pessimism paradigms and will be detailed in the presentation.


Key words

educationaleTwinning; futures;initial essenceteacher optimism/pessimism;education; influencepersonal optimism/pessimism;and metaphors;professional Polak Gamebenefits