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Exceptions from alternation of consonants by sound in modern Serbian and Croatian orthography normative through the prism of the Belić-Boranić Compromise from 1930

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Goran Nikola Zeljić

Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 9  


A century has passed since the publication of two important normative manuals in Serbian and Croatian language by Aleksandar Belić and Dragutin Boranić. Both manuals were intended for school use. Belić's orthography manual (printed in 1923) is the first systematic orthography in Serbia, and Boranić's (printed in 1921, second, unchanged edition in 1923) is the first independent work of this prominent Croatian normativist. Starting from these school manuals, we took the exceptions of the d:t alternation before voiceless consonants in modern Serbian and Croatian languages as the subject of the paper. The analysis will first include the solutions from Belić's and Boranić's orthography from 1923, then the editions of both manuals from 1930, which were prepared according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education from 1929. This instruction mandated that the d:t alternation should not be performed only before the sequences -stvo (e.g. in the word sudstvo) and -ski (e.g. in the word gradski), which was closer to the previous Serbian standard from 1923 (Belić), in relation to the Croatian standard (the d:t alternation will not occur when the consonant d is in contact with the consonants ć, č, c, š and s; Boranić). The aim of the paper is to analyze the directions in which Serbian and Croatian normative studies moved in concerning exceptions of the d:t alternation before voiceless consonants, primarily in valid school orthography manuals in Serbia and Croatia. The analyzed corpus consists of Serbian and Croatian literary works and periodicals with a focus on the works of contemporary Croatian authors (such as A. Tomić and M. Jergović) which were published in Serbia without normative alignment with the Serbian norm. 


Key words

Aleksandar Belić; Dragutin Boranić; morphological exceptions; morphonology; school orthography

Goran Nikola Zeljić

Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 9  


Prošао је век od objavljivanja dva važna normativna priručnika u Srba i Hrvata Aleksandra Belića i Dragutina Boranića. Oba priručnika bila su namijenjena školskoj upotrebi. Belićev pravopisni priručnik (tiskan 1923. god.) prvi je sustavni pravopis u Srba, a Boranićev (tiskan 1921., drugo, neizmijenjeno izdanje 1923.) prvo samostalno djelo toga istaknutoga hrvatskog normativista. Polazeći od ovih školskih priručnika, za predmet rada uzeli smo izuzetke od alternacije d/t ispred bezvučnih suglasnika u suvremenom srpskom i hrvatskom jeziku. U analizi će najprije biti obuhvaćena rješenja iz Belićeva i Boranićeva pravopisa iz 1923. godine, zatim izdanja obaju priručnika iz 1930. godine, koja su izrađena prema uputama Ministarstva prosvjete iz 1929. godine. Ova uputa nalagala je da se alternacija d/t ne vrši samo ispred sekvenci -stvo (npr. u riječi sudstvo) i -ski (npr. u riječi gradski), što je bilo bliže prethodnom srpskom standardu iz 1923. godine (Belić), u odnosu na hrvatski standard (do alternacije d/t neće doći kad je suglasnik d u dodiru sa suglasnicima ć, č, c, š i s, Boranić). Cilj je rada analizirati smjerove u kojima su se kretale srpska i hrvatska normativistika u odnosu na izuzetke od alternacije d/t ispred bezvučnih suglasnika, prvenstveno u školskim pravopisnim priručnicima u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj. Analizirani korpus čine srpska i hrvatska književna djela i periodika s posebnim osvrtom na djela suvremenih hrvatskih pisaca (poput A. Tomića i M. Jergovića) koja su objavljena u Srbiji bez normativnoga usklađivanja sa srpskom normom.


Ključne riječi

Aleksandar Belić; Dragutin Boranić; morfonološki izuzetci; morfonologija; školski pravopis.