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Games for developing algorithmic thinking in Digital World textbooks for the first grade of primary education

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GordanaMiroslava StokovićRadoslav Ristić

FacultyTeacher ofEducation Education,Faculty, University of Belgrade

Education for digital transformation

Number of the paper: 121122



DevelopingPlaying children’sgames with the aim of developing algorithmic thinking iscan closelycreate relatedvarious teaching situations for active learning. Games enable learning through experience and discovery, they can be adapted to the principlespupils’ ofneeds, constructivismtheir prior knowledge, and itinterests. shouldDigital start at preschoolgames and earlydevices schoolcan age.provide Ininstant Serbia, the subject Digital World was introduced in the 2020/2021 school year as a compulsory subject in the first cycle of primary education. This subject aims to develop pupils' digital competencies in order to train them for the safefeedback and propercan usecontribute of digital devices, communication, cooperation, andto the development of algorithmic thinking. Primary school classroom teachers are responsible forinnovative teaching and learning methods. The introduction of the subject "Digital WorldWorld" withininto the primary school education system of Serbia, as part of the new Prescribed Curriculum for the first cyclegrade, occurred three years ago. One of primarythe education.key teaching domains of the subject is algorithmic thinking. New textbooks, in accordance with the Prescribed Curriculum, have been prepared and published by numerous authors and publishers. The aim of this paper is to detect the readinesspresence and analyze the quality of games for developing pupils' algorithmic thinking in seven accredited textbooks for the educationalsubject systemDigital to support classroom teachersWorld in the implementationfirst grade of Digitalprimary Worldschool. teaching.The Usingpaper first analyses the 4CPrescribed method,Curriculum, specifically the outcomes, contents, and instructions for developing algorithmic thinking. The methodological analysis included the textbook program framework, concept, and functionality for developing algorithmic thinking through educational games with a syllabusspecial analysis of the initial education courses at Teacher Education Faculties in Serbia, as well as professional training and development programs for educators was carried out. Our findings indicate that, within the initial education of future classroom teachers, their digital competencies are being developed through different teaching subjects and at different levels of student knowledge. However, it has been detected that insufficient attention is paidreference to the developmentquality of students’digital algorithmicgames thinking.and Additionally,digital thedevices numbersuch ofas professionaleducational developmentrobots. programsThrough specificallya focusedsystematic on this topic is insufficient. Therefore,analysis, we conclude that itthe iscurrent necessaryPrescribed toCurriculum introducedoes dedicatednot contain detailed instructions for developing algorithmic thinking through educational games, and different textbook concepts for this teaching subjectsdomain atsignificantly Teacher Education faculties to equip teachers with the necessary skills for implementing the subject Digital World, with a special emphasis on the development of algorithmic thinking. Furthermore, it is necessary to introduce a larger number of quality seminars for permanent professional development.differ.


Key words

 initialdeveloping teacheralgorithmic education,thinking, professionaleducational developmentgames, ofPrescribed teachers,Curriculum, subjectpupil, Digital Worldtextbooks