TheTo projectget titledcloser Modernisationto the achievement of gender equality as one of the Vocationalgoals Educationof sustainable development, preschool teachers are faced with the challenge of reconsidering their own attitudes and Trainingdeveloping Systemtheir wascompetencies. implementedIn bytraditionally structured societies, an additional effort is needed to become familiar with ways to recognize in practice and then react in ways that support this type of equality, in order to provide girls with the Agencyopportunity forto Vocationalempower Educationthemselves, realize their potential and Traininghuman andrights Adultrelated Education. Its aim is to develop attractive, innovative and relevant vocationalfor education and training linked with the labor market (ASOO).participation. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund. The ultimate goal of the projectresearch iswas to develop new vocational curricula tailored toexamine the needsattitudes of preschool teachers towards gender equality and their actions in everyday situations in kindergarten. For the purposes of the contemporaryresearch, labora marketsample requirementsof 216 teachers from Serbia was examined. The data was collected using a scale of stereotypical family roles, a scale of stereotypical behaviors and modern pedagogical guidelines. A breakthrough in pedagogical practice is the planningcharacteristics of vocationalchildren, curriculaand insituational modules.vignettes. The moduleobtained isresults a logical and meaningful unit in which different learning outcomes are linked together. In each sector, a sectoral curriculum is developedshow that formsteachers thehave sectoralpositive core:attitudes subjectstowards commongender toequality, allas curriculawell withinas the sector and a sub-sectoral part common to related professions. The paper describes the development of vocational curriculathat in the healthoffered sector.situations they have reactions that support it. Although the obtained results seem encouraging, the authors problematize the obtained findings, the research methodology, taking into account the wider social context and the public's response to programs that deal with gender equality carried out in kindergartens in Serbia. The main conclusions point out the need for improving the methodology of researching attitudes towards gender equality, evaluating the effects of programs aimed at educating teachers on this topic, and methods of strengthening the competences of experts for the promotion of gender equality.