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Historical and Geographical Terms in Textbooks for the Lower Grades of Primary School – Foundation for the Localisation of Epic Poems

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KosanovićZorica Cvetanović, LuanaSanja Blagdanić*, Nikoleta Dobrosavljević

Sveučilište*Faculty Jurjaof DobrileEducation, uUniversity Puli
of Belgrade*

Pedagogija,Education didaktikafor ipersonal inkluzijaand uprofessional odgoju i obrazovanjudevelopment

BrojNumber rada:of 3the paper: 1




MinistarstvoThe znanostihorizontal ilink obrazovanjabetween jethe 2020.contents godineof donijelotwo Odlukuschool osubjects, uvođenjuSerbian kurikulumaLanguage zaand nastavniScience predmetand JezikSocial iStudies, kulturacan romskebe nacionalnemade manjineby a broader localisation of literary works which places literary texts in social and historical contexts. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the sets of Serbian Language textbooks and Science and Social Studies textbooks for the fourth grade of primary school are complementary in terms of providing students with a basis for understanding historical and geographical terms necessary for the localization and understanding of traditional epic poetry. Content analysis of textbooks published by nine publishing houses was carried out, using historical and geographical terms in the poem "Miloš u osnovnimLatinima" iаs srednjima školamaunit uof Republicithe Hrvatskojcontent (Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, NN 52/2020-1046). Svrha toga nastavnoga predmeta je razviti komunikacijske, interkulturne i građanske kompetencije koje će učenicima pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine pomoći osvijestiti vlastiti identitet u multikulturnom okružju. Položaj pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine u društvu vrlo je marginaliziran unatoč tome što u gradu Puli obitava 291 pripadnik romske nacionalne manjine, što čini 0,56 % ukupnoga stanovništva grada Pule, dok ih u gradu Rijeci živi ukupno 515, što čini 0,48 % ukupnoga stanovništva grada Rijeke. Međimurska županija prednjači po broju pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine: njih 6 954 čine ukupno 6,61 % stanovništva (Državni zavod za statistiku, 2021). analysis.

CiljThere jeare istraživanja53 uhistorical ovomeand radugeographical ispitatiterms provodiin lithis sepoem nastavniand predmetthey Jezikwere iclassified kulturainto romskethree nacionalnecategories manjine uhistorical osnovnim školama grada Pule i grada Rijeke te provodi li se u osnovnim školama Međimurske županije. Izvršena je analiza školskih kurikula za školsku 2023./2024. godinu. Ukupno ih je pregledano 68. Rezultati ukazuju na oskudno provođenje modela Cterms (Jezikpersonalities, irulers' kulturatitles, romskeother nacionalneconcepts manjine)from the past), geographical terms (settlements, rivers, mountains) and historical-geographical terms (nations, monasteries). Naime,The uresearch Puliresults jednaindicate osnovnathat školahistorical njegujeand manjinskigeographical jezik,terms uin Rijecithe poem exist in the methodological apparatus of the textbooks and that there is a correlation in terms of the presence of these concepts in textbook sets of the same publisher for both school subjects. However, there is a level of inconsistency between the textbooks of the same publisher regarding the explanations of historical/geographical terms – some terms or concepts in the poem are either not explained in any of the textbooks or they are duplicated. It is necessary to činefind dvijea škole,way dokfor seharmonising uthe Međimurskojcross-curricular županijicontents njegujein ithe uspješnotextbooks provodifor Jezika imore kulturasuccessful romskelocalisation nacionalneof manjinetraditional uepic dvijepoems.




 temelju rezultata i razmatranja promicanja romske kulture donosi se preporuka da se u školama u kojima su uključeni učenici romske nacionalnosti uvede nastavni predmet Jezik i kultura romske nacionalne manjine po modelu C.

KljučneKey riječiwords

kvalitativnageographical analiza;terms; Kurikulumhistorical zaterms; nastavniliterary predmettext Jeziklocalisation; itraditional kulturaepic romske nacionalne manjine; romska nacionalna manjina; školski kurikul osnovnih školapoems

Kosanović, Luana

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula

Pedagogija, didaktika i inkluzija u odgoju i obrazovanju

Number of the paper: 3



In 2020, the Ministry of Science and Education issued a Decision on the introduction of the curriculum for the subject Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority in primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia (Ministry of Science and Education, NN 52/2020-1046). The purpose of this course is to develop communication, intercultural and civic competences that will help students of the Roma national minority to become aware of their own identity in a multicultural environment. The position of members of the Roma national minority in society is marginalized despite the fact that 291 members of the Roma national minority live in the city of Pula, which makes up 0.56% of the total population of the city of Pula, while a total of 515 of them live in the city of Rijeka, which makes up 0.48% of the total of the population of the city of Rijeka. Notably, Međimurje County has the highest concentration of Roma, with 6,954 members representing 6.61% of the total population. (State Statistical Office, 2021).

The aim of the research presented in this paper is to examine whether the subject Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority is taught in primary schools in the cities of Pula and Rijeka, and whether it is taught in primary schools in Međimurje County. An analysis of school curricula for the 2023/2024 school year was carried out. A total of 68 curricula were examined. The results indicate a poor implementation of model C (Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority). In Pula, one elementary school nurtures the minority language, in Rijeka, two schools do so, while in Međimurje County, the Language and culture of the Roma national minority is nurtured and successfully implemented in two elementary schools. Based on the results and consideration of the promotion of Roma culture, a recommendation is made to introduce the Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority subject according to model C in schools where Roma students are included.

Key words

curriculum for the subject Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority; qualitative analysis; school curricula of elementary and secondary schools; the Roma national minority