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Into the deep

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SlavicaDanijela ŠimićJurac1, ŠašićBogdanka Conjar2

University1Osnovna ofškola ZadarBanija, 2Osnovna škola Grabrik

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 4446  


Self-regulatedThrough learningparticipating (SRU)in hasthis aworkshop keyparticipants impactwill on academic achievement and learning effectiveness. Teaching studentslearn how to self-regulateuse a new method of working with literature to increase the motivation of their learningstudents to read. Using drama methods, we develop communication abilities, empathy, enable immersion in various characters, becoming aware of the importance of reading. Participants actively go through the whole process, freely express themselves and engagingrelease their own creative potentials, develop creativity and enriche the expression skills. Immersion in workcertain inroles aand stimulatingsituations environmentwith improvesmovement theirand performance.words The authors believe that self-regulated learning has a mediating influence inenables the relationshiprealization betweenof teachingeducational and schoolfunctional success. We also know gender differences in self-regulation of learning. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between teachers' encouragement of self-regulated learning and school success of students, and to examine the mediating role of proactive self-regulation strategies in this relationship, as well as the moderating role of gender in the relationship between self-regulation of learning and school success. The research was conducted on a sample of 2154 primary and secondary school students, who assessed the teacher's encouragement of SRU and their self-regulatory strategies during class and school performance.tasks.

The paperparticipants analyzeswill themaster relationshipsconcrete betweendrama encouraging SRUprocedures and schooldrama success,games asthat wellthey ascan theapply mediatingin effectstheir class activities in various ways.

Dramatization is a form of proactiveknowing self-regulation strategiesoneself and the moderatingworld, effectand by mastering drama techniques, the teacher becomes more successful organizer of gender.activities.

Key words

mediation;drama moderation;methods; teacherlearning encouragementthrough ofexperience; SRU;learning proactivethrough self-regulation strategies; gender; school achievementmovement

Slavica Šimić Šašić

University of Zadar

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 44 


Samoregulirano učenje (SRU) ima ključni utjecaj na akademsko postignuće i učinkovitost učenja. Poučavanje učenika kako da sami reguliraju svoje učenje te uključenost u rad u poticajnom okružju poboljšava njihov učinak. Autori smatraju da samoregulirano učenje ima medijacijski utjecaj u odnosu između poučavanja i školskoga uspjeha. Također su nam poznate spolne razlike u samoregulaciji učenja. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati odnos između nastavničkoga poticanja samoreguliranoga učenja i školskoga uspjeha učenika te ispitati medijacijsku ulogu proaktivnih strategija samoregulacije u tom odnosu, kao i moderacijsku spola u odnosu između samoregulacije učenja i školskoga uspjeha. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 2154 učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola, koji su procijenili nastavničko poticanje SRU i svoje samoreglacijske strategije tijekom nastave i školski uspjeh.

U radu se analiziraju odnosi između poticanje SRU i školskoga uspjeha kao i medijacijski efekti proaktivnih strategija samoregulacije te moderacijski efekt spola.



Ključne riječi

medijacija; moderacija; nastavničko poticanje SRU; proaktivne strategije samoregulacije; spol; školski uspjeh