The paper is based on previous knowledge from the field related to job satisfaction and continuous stress, which often results in burnout at work.
Conducted research in the field of job satisfaction is mainly related to the level of stress present in secondary vocational school teachers, but the existence of burnout at work has not been proven.
Therefore, the research goal is to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and job burnout among teachers teaching in secondary vocational schools.
It will be examined whether thereCompetence is a differenceterm betweenthat teacheris often mentioned in modern education, and it applies to both students and teachers. In 2011, the Ministry of teachingScience, majorEducation and teacherSports ofadopted non-teachingthe major"National certainFramework aspectsCurriculum offor jobPreschool satisfactionEducation and theGeneral level of burnout at work, as well as the existence of differences depending on gender. The research will be conducted using a qualitative methodology, using a survey questionnaire intended for teachers of general educationCompulsory and vocationalSecondary subjects who teach in vocational secondary schools.
The questionnaire will contain the Job Satisfaction Survey Scale (Spector, 1994)Education", and thethat Jobis Burnout Scale, the Oldenburg Job Burnout Questionnaire - OLBI (Demereuti et al., 2003).
More than 120 secondary vocational school teachers fromwhen the Republic of Croatia willbegan participateto talk about competence-oriented education, and it continues with the adopted curriculum of teaching subjects in 2019. This work aims to investigate the research.role of literary competence in modern education, how it is acquired during primary school education, to what extent it is represented, and how it is evaluated in teaching according to the curriculum for the subject Croatian language. The analysis of the curriculum concluded that the representation of literature teaching is statistically satisfactory, but it cannot be asserted with certainty that the quality is equally satisfactory. The quality of teaching literature and the development of literary competence among teachers depends on the literary competence of the teacher. Given that the educational system relies on the competences of teachers, the educational policy should be harmonized with teacher education and provide existing teachers with the opportunity for continuous training and education to acquire additional and further develop already acquired competences for the development of their literary competences and literary competences of students.