TheHuman paperresources emphasizesin education represent are a prerequisite for the need for continuous, thoughtful,survival and intensive implementation of children's literary texts in elementary school teaching. Additionally, it highlights the importance of children's literature courses within teacher studies. In doing so, it focuses on German as a foreign language. We want to underline the advantages that the implementation of German children's literature brings to teaching.
It enables the development of readingthe education sector. However, the European Union and literaryCroatia skillsare asfacing wellthe asproblem interculturalof skills,an whichincreasing numerousshortage authorsof andteaching educationalstaff documentsdue (PISA)to citeseveral asfactors, keyincluding skillslabor rights. The material labor rights of teaching staff workers are regulated primarily by the Labor Act, but also by special laws related to the education system. Major changes related to salary determination were made by the adoption of a new legal framework that regulates the salary system for successfullythe overcomingentire public sector in the challengesRepublic of Croatia that defines universal salary classes.
In this paper, an overview of the future,factors affecting the developmentgrowing shortage of one'steaching ownstaff potentialin primary and knowledge,secondary schools was made. The genesis of the legal framework in the Republic of Croatia, which regulates the status and labor material rights of teachers in primary and secondary schools, is presented. A presentation of teaching staff salaries and a comparison of salaries in relation to the average salary in the EU27 countries was made. Salaries were analysed on a monthly basis and compared with other employees in the public sector, corrected for effective working hours.
The issue of possible underpayment was viewed in the context of the Salary Ordinance and was compared with other public sector employees. From the analysis of the legal framework, it is evident that teaching staff in primary and secondary schools belong to the category of lower paid highly educated employees in the public sector. Considering the demanding nature of the studies and the achievementsmall ofopportunities afor qualityadvancement, lifethe material labor rights regulated by the existing legal framework make work in aeducation multiculturalless society,attractive with the rightcompared to "freeother expression of personal, national and cultural identity" (Rosandić 2003, p.40), but also allowing others to express themselves freely. Such an attitude towards life, oneself and others develops in children from an early age and within the foreign language lessons.
The paper will provide concrete examples of how suitable literary texts can be used to foster students' free development of their personality, cultivating qualities such as curiosity, critical thinking, responsibility, creativity, and language, art, dance, music, and stage expression. Examples from language lessons will show how German language students develop their creative potential, intercultural competences, critical thinking, etc. using children's literary content.
By actively participatingjobs in the processingpublic of these works, students themselves can experience the benefits and advantages that creative expression provides for personality development and decide to apply them in class. Otherwise, the advantages and potentials offered using children's literature in teaching, unfortunately, often remain unused.sector.