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Metric characteristics of tests of ball handling skills in preschool age / Metrijske karakterstike testova vještine baratanja loptom u predškolskoj dobi

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Marija Lorger1, Ana Luketić2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

2Dv Savica, Zagreb

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 178



The aim of the research was to verify the metric characteristics of motor tests for assessing ball handling skills from the TGMD-2 battery in preschool children. The research was conducted on a sample of 30 children, of which 15 were girls and 15 were boys between 5 and 7 years of age. The level of ball handling skill was checked with three tests (out of 5 possible) that form part of the battery for the assessment of gross motor skills based on effective object control, namely: guiding the ball with the hand in place, kicking the ball with leg and catching the ball with two hands. The tests of hitting the ball with a bat with two hands (hitting in baseball) and throwing the ball into the wall were omitted because, according to the authors, the rotational technique of performing the movement was demanding. Children of this age do not have enough prior knowledge to properly perform the mentioned technique, and this could adversely affect the test results. The results showed satisfactory values of the metric characteristics of the tests and confirmed their possibility of use for further research on our population as well. 

Key words

children, motor skill, TGMD -2 battery of tests 

Marija Lorger1, Ana Luketić2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

2Dv Savica, Zagreb

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 178  


Cilj istraživanja bio je provjera metrijskih karakteristika motoričkih testova za procjenu vještine baratanja loptom iz TGMD-2 baterije kod djece predšklske dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 30 djece od čega je 15 djevojčica i 15 dječaka u dobi od 5 do 7 godina. Razina vještine baratanja loptom provjerena je s tri testa (od 5 mogućih) koji čine dio baterije za procjenu grube motoričke vještine temeljene na učinkovitoj kontroli predmeta i to: vođenje lopte rukom u mjestu, udaranje lopte nogom i hvatanje lopte s dvije ruke. Izostavljeni su testovi udarac loptice palicom s dvije ruke (udarac u bejzbolu) i bacanje loptice u zid zbog, prema procjeni autorica, zahtjevne rotacijske tehnike izvođenja gibanja. Za pravilno izvođenje spomenute tehnike djeca ove dobi nemaju dovoljno predznanja, a to bi moglo nepovoljno utjecati na rezultate testiranja. Rezultati su pokazali zadovoljavajuće vrijednosti metrijskih karakteristika testova te potvrdili njihovu mogućnost korištenja za daljnja istraživanja i na našoj populaciji.


Ključne riječi

djeca; motorička znanja; TGMD baterija testova