The aim of thisthe workresearch iswas to verify the analysismetric characteristics of upbringingmotor ortests educationalfor valuesassessing ball handling skills from the aspectTGMD-2 battery in preschool children. The research was conducted on a sample of physical30 activitychildren, of which 15 were girls and 15 were boys between 5 and 7 years of age. The level of ball handling skill was checked with three tests (out of 5 possible) that form part of the battery for the assessment of gross motor skills based on effective object control, namely: guiding the ball with the aimhand in place, kicking the ball with leg and catching the ball with two hands. The tests of obtaininghitting the bestball possiblewith informationa aboutbat with two hands (hitting in baseball) and throwing the creationball into the wall were omitted because, according to the authors, the rotational technique of aperforming healthy lifestyle for students. Physicalthe movement iswas considereddemanding. oneChildren of this age do not have enough prior knowledge to properly perform the mentioned technique, and this could adversely affect the test results. The results showed satisfactory values of the mostmetric important human life needs. The fact itself, which has been scientifically proven in numerous previous studies, indicates that people today engage in insufficient physical activity, directly putting their health at risk. Physical inactivity has reached the proportions of a pandemic occurring in the lives of young people today. A review of previous research revealed that physical activity and sedentary behavior are strong predictors of compromised health in children and young people. Education is onecharacteristics of the componentstests and confirmed their possibility of educational systems whose values would try to instill the habit of lifelong physical exercise. Students' continuous participation in physical activity can only be achieved with physical exercise content that will cause a feeling of motivation and satisfaction. These facts are observed through the prism of each child’s or student’s progress, and the discussion revolves around whether the education system can provide children and students with the opportunity to adopt educational valuesuse for physicalfurther exercise.research Theon importantour role of upbringing in physical education is emphasized, considering all the facts, thus ensuring a better, higher-quality, and healthier future for children of all age groups,population as wellwell. as for society. Children today are surrounded by countless modern sources that offer access to numerous varied contents in a short time. Due to the large number of these contents, they do not focus and concentrate on anything for long periods. The inability to maintain attention and concentration makes it difficult to master educational content, necessitating the introduction of shorter physical activities during the teaching process that will contribute to their concentration and motivation.
children, health,motor physicalskill, education,TGMD physical-2 exercise,battery school,of upbringingtests