Music as a Structured Free Time Activity in Primary School Education / Glazba kao strukturirani prostor slobodnoga vremena učenika u primarnom obrazovanju
Education for personal and professional development |
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Abstract |
This paper deals with the research of students' involvement in additional music activities, whether they are carried out in school or out of school. The research was conducted in 2024, among students from fifth to eighth grade (N = 194). The research results show that 82.5 % students are happy to participate in Music classes at school, and they like listening to music (M = 4.13) and singing songs (M = 3.92) the most of all music content. At extracurricular activities, more than a third of students (35.6 %) spend time singing in a choir (16.5 %) or attend music school (12.4 %). Almost everyone attending additional music activities in or out of school, fully enjoys them. Of the students, 30.9% take private music instrument lessons, and 21.6% attend private music studios. Structuring free time, whether in or out of school, depends on how much school and social communities encourage such programs. Involvement of students in any form of additional music education based on choice contributes to the recognition of certain groups in the school, but also in the wider social community. The effect of participation in extracurricular activities is positive. If it is well structured, it can be concluded that it is important for the acquisition of students' competences according to their areas of interests, providing them with different experiences that contribute to their overall growth and development.
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Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj |
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Sažetak |
Temeljna je djelatnost odgojno-obrazovnoga sustava utjecaj na cjelokupni razvoj učenika. Osim obveznoga obrazovanja, obrazovne institucije omogućuju organizaciju slobodnoga vremena učenika izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima. Odabir izvannastavnih i izvanškolskih aktivnosti vođen je individualnim interesima učenika u kontekstu razvoja vlastitih potencijala i želja. U radu je Strukturiranje slobodnoga vremena, bilo u školi ili izvan nje, ovisi o tome koliko škole i društvene zajednice osnažuju takve programe. Uključivanje učenika u bilo koji oblik dodatnoga glazbenog obrazovanja prema vlastitom izboru pridonosi prepoznatljivosti određene skupine u školi, ali i široj društvenoj zajednici. Učinak je sudjelovanja u izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima pozitivan. Ako su kvalitetno strukturirane, može se |
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