CommunicationNetworking literacy,as whicha includeslearning reading literacy,strategy is thean fundamental outcomearea of teachingdevelopment in many education and training systems. Apart from creating an opportunity for deeper learning through the Croatianexchange languageof knowledge and ideas, and fostering innovation, it provides opportunities for the development of interpersonal, intrapersonal, metacognitive, civic, and digital competences. One form of networking in primaryprofessional school,development butis alsoa professional learning network that represents a system of interpersonal connections and resources that support non-formal learning.
Networking as an important componentaspect inof individual professional development. To professionals, lifelong learning is usually a process that takes place within the early and preschool learning institution with a colleague from the shared classroom or the classroom within the institution. In addition, it can take place through internal professional training, professional learning network or continuous professional training outside the institution.
The aim of allthis subjects.research Students must be ablewas to read the textbook text, understand it, adopt it and successfully apply the acquired knowledge at the level of outcomes set in a certain period of schooling, within a certain subject area. The paper examinesestablish the attitudes of elementary school students about the textbooks they learn from and questions the understanding of textbook texts starting from examining the extent to which students understand the meaning of words in textbook texts, and whether there is a connection between understanding the meaning of words and understanding the complete text. The paper investigates whether text difficulty affects the students’ attitude towards the subject and the students’ successexperts in the subject.field Furthermore,of itearly examineschildhood education and care on networking as a learning strategy and to explore the connection between students' attitudes towards the Croatian standard language and the understandingexperiences of textbookparticipants texts.with Innetworking. theThe theoretical part, the work starts from vertical multilingualismparticipants in the mothersurvey tonguewere 161 experts in Split-Dalmatia County. Quantitative (Pavličević-Franić, 2011)descriptive) and connectsqualitative data analysis was applied. The results show that early childhood education and care professionals have networking experience but are often not familiar with the acquisitionterm itself, as well as with all the areas and learningpossibilities. In conclusion, although participants have networking experience within the institution and local community, the concept of networking in professional development needs to be made more visible precisely because of the Croatianpossibilities languageit (Aladrović Slovaček, 2019) through the contents of different teaching subjects and the communication skills of elementary school students.provides.