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Opinions and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers on the use AI applications in education

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AmandaMaja Glavaš, Azra StaščikHomen

Faculty of HumanitiesTeacher and Social Sciences,Education, University of OsijekZagreb,

Education for digital transformation

Number of the paper: 140141



The progressive development of technology, especiallysurge in the fieldpopularity of artificialArtificial intelligenceIntelligence (AI), significantlyapplications affectshas allcreated socialsignificant aspects and different social fields, including education. Among the most famous and widespread forms of AI are chatbots, which are easy to use and user-friendly. 

In this paper, we examine and discuss current application and trends of using chatbotsinterest in education,their primarilypotential forintegration teaching purposes. Furthermore, the authors have created a lesson plan for one unit using ChatGPT 3.5 in the area ofinto primary education. The entireprimary processobjective (questionsof this paper is to investigate the viability and prompts)optimal strategies for implementing AI technologies across diverse subjects, while concurrently assessing the opinions and attitudes of creatingfuture aeducators teaching lesson plan using AI (conversation with ChatGPT 3.5) is given intoward the paper and evaluated by authors. To gain the triangulation of results both researchers (authors) carried out the analysis independently. The results show that it is possible for AI to create/generate a lesson plan based only on given learning outcome. Despite all the shortcomings (e.g. accuracy of information), the contribution and advantagesintegration of AI forin their pedagogical practices. Through a nuanced exploration of their perspectives, the improvementstudy aims to uncover the readiness, concerns, and expectations of the teachingupcoming processgeneration of educators, shedding light on the socio-cultural dynamics surrounding AI adoption in educational contexts. The research method is unquestionablebased (inon termsan online questionnaire taken by students from the Faculty of creativityTeacher Education, University of Zagreb. 

The findings of this research contribute to the ongoing discourse on AI in education by offering a nuanced understanding of its potential benefits and devisingchallenges. activitiesThis knowledge is crucial for givenshaping outcomes,informed producingpolicies, examples,designing savingeffective timeteacher etc.).training However,programs, forand ensuring responsible and ethical implementation of AI applications in primary education. As technology continues to beevolve, effectivethis forresearch teaching purposes,serves as ina allfoundational otherexploration areas,into undoubtedlythe itintricate requiresdynamics specificbetween skillsAI, education, and competencies of teachers such as critical thinking, content knowledge etc. The authors suggest a follow up research, i.e. giving AI generated lesson plans to teachers in a focus group to analyze it with and without knowing it is AI generated etc.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to conduct further research regarding the application of artificial intelligence for educational purposes, especially taking into account ethical aspects, copyright, etc.considerations.


Key words

artificialAI intelligence, ChatGPT, lesson plan, primaryapplications, education, teachingICT, prospective teachers