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Styles of humor in classes at the University of Applied Sciences Ivanić-Grad / Stilovi humora u nastavi na Veleučilištu Ivanić-Grad

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Manuela Kušec*, Goran Bobić

*Veleučilište Ivanić-Grad

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 34 


The aim of this research was to examine the role and styles of humor (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating) that are represented among students and teachers at the University of Applied Sciences Ivanić-Grad and to see if they depend on gender, age, subject area of the teacher and the selected study program. The research was conducted through an online questionnaire on a sample of 100 respondents (66 students and 34 teachers). The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) was used. Open-ended questions were also implemented in the questionnaire in order to determine their views on the role of humor in teaching. The results of the research show that the self-enhancing style of humor is the most prevalent among both teachers and students, while the self-defeating style of humor is the least prevalent. A comparison by gender and age shows that female students under the age of 20 use an aggressive style of humor significantly more than students in general. Also, a significant difference in the use of self-defeating style of humor was observed between teachers over 30 and students under 20, while there was no significant difference between the other groups. Teachers of professional subjects differ significantly in their use of self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating humor styles from teachers of social subjects. Differences in the use of affiliative style of humor between the mentioned groups were not determined. There is no significant difference in humor styles between the students of professional undergraduate studies in Nursing and Physiotherapy and professional graduate studies in Prosthetics, Orthotics and Robotics. The respondents agree that the use of positive humor in class creates a pleasant atmosphere and increases the motivation to learn.

Key words

learning; motivation; opinions; sense of humor; teaching

Manuela Kušec*, Goran Bobić

*Veleučilište Ivanić-Grad

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 34 


Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati ulogu i stilove humora (afilijativni, samopomažući, agresivni i samoporažavajući) koji su zastupljeni među studentima i nastavnicima na Veleučilištu Ivanić-Grad te vidjeti ovise li o spolu, dobi, predmetnom području nastavnika i izabranom studijskom programu studenata. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online upitnika na uzorku od 100 ispitanika (66 studenata i 34 nastavnika). Korišten je Upitnik stilova humora (HSQ). U upitnik su bila implementirana i pitanja otvorenoga tipa kako bi se utvrdili njihovi stavovi o ulozi humora u nastavi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je i kod nastavnika i kod studenata najzastupljeniji samopomažući, dok je najmanje zastupljen samoporažavajući stil humora. Usporedba po spolu i dobi pokazuje kako studentice mlađe od 20 godina značajno više koriste agresivni stil humora, za razliku od studenata općenito. Također, uočena je značajna razlika u korištenju samoporažavajućega stila humora između nastavnika starijih od 30 godina i studenata mlađih od 20, dok između ostalih grupa nema značajne razlike. Nastavnici stručnih predmeta značajno se razlikuju u korištenju samopomažućega, agresivnoga i samoporažavajućega stila humora od nastavnika društvenih predmeta. Razlike u korištenju afilijativnoga stila humora između navedenih grupa nisu utvrđene. Između studenata stručnih prijediplomskih studija Sestrinstva i Fizioterapije te stručnoga diplomskog studija Protetika, ortotika i robotika nema značajne razlike u stilovima humora. Ispitanici su suglasni kako upotreba pozitivnoga humora u nastavi stvara ugodnu atmosferu te povećava motivaciju za učenje.

Ključne riječi

nastava; motivacija; smisao za humor; stavovi; učenje