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Historical and Geographical Terms in Textbooks for the Lower Grades of Primary School – Foundation for the Localisation of Epic Poems

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ZoricaJasna CvetanovićKudek Mirošević1, SanjaMirjana Blagdanić*,Radetić-Paić2
Nikoleta Dobrosavljević

*1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, 

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of BelgradePula 


Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 12  


TheIn horizontaltoday's linkrhythm betweenof life and the contentsprevalence of twomental schoolhealth subjects,problems Serbianamong Languageyoung people, there is a growing need at faculties for strategies that promote and Sciencemaintain a high level of students’ mental health and Socialtheir Studies,well-being. Students face different challenges that can besignificantly madeaffect bytheir academic success, personal development and overall quality of life, and this requires the involvement of their teachers in creating a broaderstimulating localisationenvironment that would nurture the mental well-being of literary works which places literary texts in social and historical contexts.students. The aim of this paperresearch iswas to investigate whether thethere setswere of Serbian Language textbooks and Science and Social Studies textbooks for the fourth grade of primary school are complementary in terms of providing students with a basis for understanding historical and geographical terms necessary for the localization and understanding of traditional epic poetry. Content analysis of textbooks published by nine publishing houses was carried out, using historical and geographical termsdifferences in the poemself-assessments "Milošof upositive Latinima"mental аshealth aby unitstudents who did and who did not have their teachers' support during studies and determine what specific features of positive mental health were involved. The sample of participants consisted of 359 students of the contentFaculty analysis.


ThereTeacher areEducation 53of historicalthe University of Zagreb, Croatia and geographicalthe termsFaculty inof thisEducational poemSciences of the Jurja Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia. For the purposes of the research, the Mental health continuum-short form -MHC-SF questionnaire was used and theyan wereindependent classifiedscale intorelated threeto categoriesindividual features historical terms (personalities, rulers' titles, other concepts fromof the past),environment geographicalsupport termswas (settlements,added. rivers, mountains) and historical-geographical terms (nations, monasteries). The research results indicate that historical and geographical termsDifferences in the poemself-assessments existof individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health were examined based on discriminant analysis in order to gain insight into the latent dimensions of these differences. The results confirmed the existence of statistically significant differences in the methodologicalself-assessment apparatusof individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health considering the support or lack of support given by their university teachers. Regardless of the textbookscharacteristics andof teacher support, the results also showed that there is a correlationcertain in termsnumber of thestudents presencefelt ofthat theseteachers concepts in textbook sets of the same publisher for both school subjects. However, there is a level of inconsistency between the textbooks of the same publisher regarding the explanations of historical/geographical terms – some terms or concepts in the poem are eitherdid not explainedprovide insupport anywhen ofit the textbooks or they are duplicated. It is necessarycomes to findpositive amental wayhealth forcharacteristics.


 the cross-curricular contents in the textbooks for a more successful localisation of traditional epic poems.

Key words

geographicalenvironment; terms;personal historicaldevelopment; terms;psychoemotional literarygain; textquality localisation;of traditionallife; epicsupport poemsstrategies

KosanovićJasna Kudek Mirošević1, LuanaMirjana Radetić-Paić2

1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, 

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,

Pedagogija, didaktikaOdgoj i inkluzijaobrazovanje uza odgojuosobni i obrazovanjuprofesionalni razvoj

Number of the paper: 32




InU 2020,današnjem thebrzom Ministryritmu ofživota Sciencei andprevalenciji Educationproblema issuedmentalnoga zdravlja među mladima, sve je veća Decisionpotreba onna thefakultetima introductionza ofstrategijama thekoje curriculumpromiču fori theodržavaju subjectvisoku Languagerazinu andmentalnoga Culturezdravlja ofstudenata thei Romanjihove Nationaldobrobiti. MinorityStudenti inse primarysuočavaju ands secondaryrazličitim schoolsizazovima inkoji themogu Republicznačajno ofutjecati Croatiana (Ministrynjihov ofakademski Scienceuspjeh, andosobni Education,razvoj NNi 52/2020-1046).ukupnu Thekvalitetu purposeživota, of this course is što developima communication,za interculturalpotrebu anduključivanje civicnjihovih competencesnastavnika thatu willstvaranju helppoticajnoga studentsokružja ofkoje thenjeguje Romamentalnu nationaldobrobit minoritystudenata. toCilj becomeje awareovoga ofrada theiristražiti ownpostoje identityli inrazlike au multiculturalsamoprocjenama environment.pozitivnoga Thementalnoga positionzdravlja ofstudenata memberskoji ofimaju thei Romakoji nationalnemaju minoritypodršku innastavnika societytijekom isstudiranja marginalizedi, despiteako thepostoje, facto thatkojim 291se membersspecifičnim ofobilježjima thepozitivnoga Romamentalnoga nationalzdravlja minorityradi. liveUzorak insudionika thečini city359 ofstudenata Pula,Učiteljskog whichfakulteta makesSveučilišta upu 0.56%Zagrebu ofi theFakulteta totalza populationodgojne ofi theobrazovne cityznanosti ofSveučilišta Pula,Jurja whileDobrile au totalPuli. ofZa 515potrebe ofistraživanja themkorišten liveje inupitnik theMental cityhealth ofcontinuum-short Rijeka,form which-MHC-SF makeste upje 0.48%dodana ofi theneovisna totalskala ofvezana theza populationpojedina ofobilježja thepodrške cityokružja. ofRazlike Rijeka.u Notably,samoprocjeni Međimurjepojedinih Countyobilježja haspozitivnoga thementalnoga highestzdravlja concentrationstudenata ofispitane Roma,su withtemeljem 6,954diskriminacijske membersanalize representingkako 6.61%bi ofse thestekao totaluvid population.u (Statelatentne Statisticaldimenzije Office,tih 2021).


TheRezultati aimpotvrđuju ofpostojanje thestatistički researchznačajnih presentedrazlika inu thissamoprocjeni paperpojedinih isobilježja topozitivnoga examinementalnoga whetherzdravlja thestudenata subjectkoji Languageimaju andi Culturekoji ofnemaju thepodršku Romasveučilišnih Nationalnastavnika. MinorityNeovisno iso taughtpodršci innastavnika, primaryrezultati schoolstakođer inpokazuju theda citiesodređeni ofbroj Pulastudenata andsmatra Rijeka,da andim whethernastavnici itne ispružaju taughtpodršku inkada primarysu schoolsu inpitanju Međimurjepozitivna County.obilježja Anmentalnoga analysiszdravlja.   of school curricula for the 2023/2024 school year was carried out. A total of 68 curricula were examined. The results indicate a poor implementation of model C (Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority). In Pula, one elementary school nurtures the minority language, in Rijeka, two schools do so, while in Međimurje County, the Language and culture of the Roma national minority is nurtured and successfully implemented in two elementary schools. Based on the results and consideration of the promotion of Roma culture, a recommendation is made to introduce the Language and Culture of the Roma National Minority subject according to model C in schools where Roma students are included.

KeyKljučne wordsriječi

curriculumkvaliteta forživota; theokružje; subjectosobni Languagerazvoj; andpsihoemocionalna Culturedobit; ofstrategije thepodrške


 National Minority; qualitative analysis; school curricula of elementary and secondary schools; the Roma national minority