Involving children in sports at an early age contributes to their physical and mental health. The motoraim skillsof thatthis children develop during childhood greatly influence their abilities later in life. Although itwork is knownthe thatanalysis of upbringing or educational values from the aspect of physical activity with the aim of obtaining the best possible information about the creation of a healthy lifestyle for students. Physical movement is considered one of the most important factorshuman forlife needs. The fact itself, which has been scientifically proven in numerous previous studies, indicates that people today engage in insufficient physical activity, directly putting their health at risk. Physical inactivity has reached the healthy developmentproportions of children,a somepandemic studiesoccurring showin the lives of young people today. A review of previous research revealed that morephysical activity and moresedentary behavior are strong predictors of compromised health in children are insufficiently active, which results in obesity and numerousyoung otherpeople. health losses. ItEducation is extremelyone importantof the components of educational systems whose values would try to educate parents and educators aboutinstill the importancehabit of sports,lifelong itsphysical contributionexercise. toStudents' acontinuous better quality of life, and the benefits children achieve by engagingparticipation in physical activity orcan sports.only Therefore,be achieved with physical exercise content that will cause a feeling of motivation and satisfaction. These facts are observed through the goalprism of thiseach researchchild’s wasor tostudent’s determineprogress, and the currentdiscussion staterevolves ofaround motorwhether skillsthe ofeducation preschoolsystem can provide children and whetherstudents therewith the opportunity to adopt educational values for physical exercise. The important role of upbringing in physical education is emphasized, considering all the facts, thus ensuring a differencebetter, higher-quality, and healthier future for children of all age groups, as well as for society. Children today are surrounded by countless modern sources that offer access to numerous varied contents in a short time. Due to the motorlarge skillsnumber of childrenthese whocontents, play sports and those whothey do not playfocus anyand sport.concentrate on anything for long periods. The research involved 40 children from a Zagreb kindergarten, aged 5inability to 6.5.maintain Withinattention and concentration makes it difficult to master educational content, necessitating the research, an affirmative hypothesis was put forward, which shows that there are differences in motor skills between preschool children who play sports and those who do not, in favorintroduction of those who play sports. This hypothesis was partially confirmed since the child athletes showed better motor skills in four measured variables, namely: back bend polygon, sit-ups in 30 seconds, standing long jump and hand tapping. In the two measured variables, the results show that there is no statistically significant difference between athletes and non-athletes, namely: standing on one leg on a cube and torso forward bend. While the statistical analysis did not reveal significant differences between athletes and non-athletes in the two measured variables, athletes consistently outperformed their non-athlete peers. This suggests that sports undoubtedly have a positive impact on children's motor skills, emphasizing the importance of encouraging children to participate inshorter physical activities wheneverduring possible.the teaching process that will contribute to their concentration and motivation.
health, physical education, physical exercise, school, upbringingmotor skills, parental support, quality of life