ThisThe paperaim criticallyof elaboratesthis research was to determine what are ECEC teachers’ professional aspirations at the roleend of artificialtheir intelligencemaster study program. More specifically, what were the reasons for choosing an ECEC teaching profession, reasons for enrolment into master ECEC study, what are their aspirations concerning their ECEC teaching career, with special emphasis on their future career trajectory and what could be their reasons for attrition from the ECEC profession.
In the climate of escalating teacher shortage, research attention has been given to pre-service teachers’ entry motivation and career development aspirations (Watt & Richardson, 2008; Hong et al. 2017). Identification of anticipated professional plans is crucial for offering differentiated initial teacher education (ITE) opportunities to support pre-service teacher development (Reeves & Lowenhaupt, 2016).
The study was conducted with a mixed method paradigm (Creswell, 2014) through an on-line questionnaire. A sample consists of 100 students at the end of graduate ECEC study at University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education.
The findings show that the main reasons for choosing ECEC teaching profession are participants' intrinsic and altruistic reasons, social utility, and the sense of profession as a calling. The two main reasons for enrollment to master ECEC study are the desire for own proffesional development and higher salary. Three quarters of student are certain that they want to work in lifelongthe learningECEC usingprofession aafter hermeneutic,graduation. historicalThey andsee theoretical-comparativeECEC methodologicalinstitutions approach.founded Theby directionlocal government as most desirable place of employment. Almost half of the developmentparticipants ofwould artificiallike intelligenceto inevitablyestablish bringstheir changesown private ECEC institution in the considerationfuture and more than one third of learning,students all the more so because the digital age expects the individualaspire to masterbecome theECEC latestinstitution technologies,principals. whichThey implieswould questioningconsider theattrition possibilityfrom ofECEC aprofession possiblydue omniscientto artificialinadequate intelligencework becomingconditions, thelow backboneteacher of modern learningstatus and anegative dominantwork source of knowledge. Constructivist teaching established in reform pedagogy shifts the emphasis from instruction to processes of (lifelong) learning and individualized teaching. In the concept of lifelong learning, there is a visible shift towards the economization of education with an emphasis on a sustainable futures and techno-solutionist based on crisis situations and the absence of political debate, as well as a shift from the right to education to the duty of lifelong learning for the sake of the sustainability of employability. The emphasis is shifting from the formation of national to supranational educational policies based on standardized (inter)national external evaluations and evidence-based education, which has the repercussion of replacing educational theories with evaluation theories. It is justified to ask whether artificial intelligence reflects what is considered intelligence in the human sense, whether it has the potential to manage human knowledge, and whether it can be the way to end institutionalized education. In addition to educational benefit in the individualization of teaching, the role of artificial intelligence in this paper is discussed in the context of psychologization, standardization, economization, globalization and medicalization (research) of education and in the perspective of humanistic, emancipatory, democratic and creative essence of education.environment.