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Progress in individual components of physical fitness of primary education students with respect to nutritional status / Napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa učenika primarnog

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MarijaDonata LorgerVidaković Samaržija1, AnaLara LuketićPavelić Karamatić2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of ZagrebZadar

2DvMinistry Savica,of ZagrebDefence, Croatia,

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 178179



The aimbenefits of monitoring physical fitness are multifaceted. It provides information that can be directed for prevention and improvement of health, indicates an individual's progress, and provides the ability of targeting on individual sports. The purpose of the researchpaper wasis to verifyassess the metricprogress characteristicsin individual components of motorphysical testsfitness forof assessingstudents ball handling skills fromduring the TGMD-2school batteryyear, and to assess the significance of differences in preschoolthe children.progress of certain components of physical fitness with regard to nutritional status.

Methods: The researchstudy was conducted on a sample of 3039 children,third graders of whichprimary 15school were girls and 15 were boys between 5 and 7(9 years of± age.6 months). The levelmotor component of ballphysical handling skillfitness was checked with three tests (out of 5 possible) that form part of the battery for the assessment of gross motor skillsevaluated based on effectivehand objecttaping control,tests, namely:standing guidinglong jump, polygon backwards, sit up test, and sit and reach test. The cardiorespiratory component was evaluated using 3-minute running tests, and the ballmorphological withcomponent based on body mass index. Basic descriptive indicators were calculated, and univariate analysis of variance was used to assess progress in individual components of physical fitness between the first and second measurements according to nutritional status.

Results: Of the total sample, 74.36% had a normal nutritional status, 20.51% were overweight, and 5.13% were obese. In the first measurement, regarding the nutritional status, a significant difference was obtained in the hand tapping test, and in place, kicking the ballsecond measurement in all motor tests. Respondents with legnormal weight achieved the best results in tests for speed, explosive power, coordination, and catchingrepetitive thepower. ballAlso, with two hands. The tests of hitting the ballrespondents with a batnormal withnutritional twostatus handsachieved (hittingthe best results in baseball)tests andfor throwingassessing thecardiorespiratory ballfitness.


Conclusion: theNutritional wallstatus werecan omittedbe because,reflected accordingon toprogress thein authors,certain the rotational techniquecomponents of performingphysical the movement was demanding. Children of this age do not have enough prior knowledge to properly perform the mentioned technique, and this could adversely affect the test results. The results showed satisfactory values of the metric characteristics of the tests and confirmed their possibility of use for further research on our population as well. fitness.

Key words


children,mass index, functional ability, health, motor skill, TGMD -2 battery of tests skills

MarijaDonata LorgerVidaković Samaržija1, AnaLara LuketićPavelić Karamatić2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of ZagrebZadar

2DvMinistry Savica,of ZagrebDefence, Croatia,

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 178179  


CiljPraćenje istraživanjatjelesnoga biofitnesa višestruko je provjerakorisno metrijskihjer karakteristikapruža motoričkihinformacije testovakoje se mogu usmjeriti za procjenuočuvanje vještinei baratanjapoboljšanje loptomzdravlja, izukazuje TGMD-2na baterijenapredak kodpojedinca djecei predšklskepruža dobi.mogućnost usmjeravanja u pojedine sportove. Svrha je rada procijeniti napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa učenika tijekom školske godine te procijeniti značajnost razlika u napretku pojedinih sastavnica tjelesnoga fitnesa s obzirom na status uhranjenosti.

Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od39 30učenika djecetrećih odrazreda čegaosnovne škole (9 godina ± 6 mjeseci). Motorička sastavnica tjelesnoga fitnesa procijenjena je 15temeljem djevojčicatestova taping rukom, skok u dalj s mjesta, poligon natraške, podizanje trupa i 15pretklon dječakaraznožno, kardiorespiratorna sastavnica procijenjena je testovima trčanje 3 minute, a morfološka sastavnica temeljem indeksa tjelesne mase. Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni pokazatelji, a za procjenu napretka u dobipojedinim odsastavnicama 5tjelesnoga dofitnesa 7između godina.prvoga Razinai vještinedrugoga baratanjamjerenja loptomprema provjerenastatusu uhranjenosti primijenjena je univarijatna analiza varijance.

Rezultati: Od ukupnoga uzorka ispitanika 74,36 % normalno je uhranjeno, 20,51 % je prekomjerno uhranjeno, a 5,13 % pretilo. U prvom mjerenju je s triobzirom testana (odstatus 5uhranjenosti mogućih)dobivena kojiznačajna činerazlika diou baterijetestu taping rukom, a u drugom mjerenju u svim motoričkim testovima. Normalno uhranjeni ispitanici postigli su najbolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu grubebrzine, motoričkeeksplozivne vještinesnage temeljeneodraza, koordinacije i repetitivne snage. Također učenici s procijenjenim normalnim statusom uhranjenosti postigli su najbolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu kardiorespiratornoga fitnesa.

Zaključak: Status uhranjenosti može se odraziti na učinkovitoj kontroli predmeta i to: vođenje lopte rukomnapredak u mjestu,pojedinim udaranjesastavnicama loptetjelesnoga nogom i hvatanje lopte s dvije ruke. Izostavljeni su testovi udarac loptice palicom s dvije ruke (udarac u bejzbolu) i bacanje loptice u zid zbog, prema procjeni autorica, zahtjevne rotacijske tehnike izvođenja gibanja. Za pravilno izvođenje spomenute tehnike djeca ove dobi nemaju dovoljno predznanja, a to bi moglo nepovoljno utjecati na rezultate testiranja. Rezultati su pokazali zadovoljavajuće vrijednosti metrijskih karakteristika testova te potvrdili njihovu mogućnost korištenja za daljnja istraživanja i na našoj populaciji.


Ključne riječi

djeca;funkcionalne sposobnosti; indeks tjelesne mase; motoričkake znanja;sposobnosti; TGMD baterija testovazdravlje