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Relationship between parental upbringing style and children’s use of electronic media and their participation in kinesiology activities / Povezanost roditeljskoga odgoja s korištenjem elektro

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DonataMarta Vidaković SamaržijaPap1, LaraSrna PavelićJenko KaramatićMiholić2, Danijela Kuna3

1UniversityPrimary ofSchool ZadarJosip Kozarac Lipovljani

2MinistryFaculty of Defence,Teacher CroatiaEducation, University of Zagreb

3Kinesiology faculty of the University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek,

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 179181



The benefitsaim of monitoring physical fitness are multifaceted. It provides information that can be directed for prevention and improvement of health, indicates an individual's progress, and provides the ability of targeting on individual sports. The purpose of the paper is to assess the progress in individual components of physical fitness of students during the school year, and to assess the significance of differences in the progress of certain components of physical fitness with regard to nutritional status.

Methods: Thethis study was conductedto ondetermine athe samplefrequency of 39electronic thirdmedia gradersuse by primary school children and the intensity of their participation in certain physical activities, as well as to investigate the relationship between parental prohibition of electronic media use and encouraging children to participate in various leisure activities, and finally, to determine which activities children prefer in their leisure time. The research included 509 parents of primary school (9children yearsin ±four 6primary months).schools Thein motorZagreb component of physical fitness was evaluated based on hand taping tests, standing long jump, polygon backwards, sit up test, and sit and reach test. The cardiorespiratory component was evaluated using 3-minute running tests,County and the morphologicalCity componentof basedZagreb. onThe bodyresearch massinstrument index.was Basican anonymous questionnaire with a five-point Likert type scale. The data were processed by descriptive indicators were calculated, and univariateinferential analysisstatistics, of variancewhich was used to assessdetermine progresspossible indifferences individualand componentsa correlation and discriminant analysis. The results revealed statistically significant differences between parents who restrict their children’s access to electronic media and those who do not. What distinguishes these two categories of physicalparents fitnessis betweenthat parents who restrict their children's access to electronic media significantly more encourage children to read and learn than the firstother andgroup secondof measurementsparents. accordingA to nutritional status.

Results: Of the total sample, 74.36% had a normal nutritional status, 20.51% were overweight, and 5.13% were obese. In the first measurement, regarding the nutritional status, astatistically significant difference was obtainednot established between these same two categories of parents in relation to the handactivities tappingthat test,children prefer to do in their free time. The conclusion is that parental control over the use of electronic media has positive effects because it is associated with encouraging children to participate in activities useful for their growth and in the second measurement in all motor tests. Respondents with normal weight achieved the best results in tests for speed, explosive power, coordination, and repetitive power. Also, respondents with a normal nutritional status achieved the best results in tests for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness.

Conclusion: Nutritional status can be reflected on progress in certain components of physical fitness.development.

Key words

bodychildren's leisure time, mass index,media, functionalrestricting ability,access health,to motorelectronic skillsmedia, primary education, parental influence
DonataMarta Vidaković SamaržijaPap1, LaraSrna PavelićJenko KaramatićMiholić2, Danijela Kuna3

1UniversityPrimary ofSchool ZadarJosip Kozarac Lipovljani

2MinistryFaculty of Defence,Teacher CroatiaEducation, University of Zagreb

3Kinesiology faculty of the University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek,

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 179181  


Praćenje tjelesnoga fitnesa višestrukoCilj je korisnoovoga jeristraživanja pružabio informacijeutvrditi kojeučestalost sekorištenja moguelektroničkih usmjeriti za očuvanje i poboljšanje zdravlja, ukazuje na napredak pojedinca i pruža mogućnost usmjeravanja u pojedine sportove. Svrha je rada procijeniti napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesamedija učenika tijekomu školskeprimarnom godineobrazovanju, intenzitet bavljenja određenim fizičkim aktivnostima te procijenitiistražiti značajnostvezu razlikaizmeđu roditeljske zabrane korištenja elektroničkih medija i poticanja djece na različite aktivnosti u napretkuslobodno pojedinihvrijeme sastavnicate tjelesnogautvrditi fitnesakoje saktivnosti obziromdjeca nanajradije statusčine uhranjenosti.


Metode:slobodnoga vremena. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku509 39roditelja učenika trećihu razredaprimarnom obrazovanju u četiri osnovne škole (9Zagrebačke godinažupanije ±i 6Grada mjeseci).Zagreba. MotoričkaU sastavnica tjelesnoga fitnesa procijenjenaistraživanju je temeljemkorišten testovainstrument tapinganonimnoga rukom,anketnog skok u daljupitnika s mjesta,Likertovom poligonskalom natraške,od podizanjepet trupastupnjeva. Podatci su obrađeni deskriptivnom i pretkloninferencijalnom raznožno,statistikom, kardiorespiratorna sastavnica procijenjenakojom je testovimautvrđeno trčanjepostojanje 3razlika minute,te aje morfološkanapravljena sastavnicakorelacijska temeljemi indeksadiskriminacijska tjelesneanaliza. mase. IzračunatiRezultati su osnovnipokazali deskriptivnistatistički pokazatelji,značajne a za procjenu napretka u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesarazlike između prvogaroditelja koji ograničavaju djeci pristup elektroničkim medijima i drugogaonih mjerenjakoji premato statusune uhranjenostičine. primijenjenaOno ješto univarijatnarazlikuje analizaove varijance.


Rezultati:kategorije Odroditelja ukupnogajest uzorkada ispitanikaroditelji 74,36koji %ograničavaju normalnopristup jedjeci uhranjeno,elektroničkim 20,51medijima, %djecu jeznatno prekomjernoviše uhranjeno,potiču ana 5,13čitanje %i pretilo.učenje u odnosu na drugu kategoriju roditelja. U prvomistraživanju mjerenjuse jetakođer snije obzirompokazala na status uhranjenosti dobivenastatistički značajna razlika između testuove tapingiste rukom,dvije akategorije roditelja u drugomodnosu mjerenjuna aktivnosti kojima se djeca najradije bave u svimsvoje motoričkimslobodno testovima.vrijeme. NormalnoZaključak uhranjeniiznosi ispitanicikako postigliroditeljski sunadzor najboljekorištenja rezultateelektroničkih umedija testovimaima pozitivne učinke jer je povezan s poticanjem djece na aktivnosti korisnim za procjenunjihov brzine, eksplozivne snage odraza, koordinacijerast i repetitivne snage. Također učenici s procijenjenim normalnim statusom uhranjenosti postigli su najbolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu kardiorespiratornoga fitnesa.

Zaključak: Status uhranjenosti može se odraziti na napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa.razvoj.

Ključne riječi

funkcionalnedječje sposobnosti;slobodno indeksvrijeme; tjelesnemasovni mase;mediji; motoričkeograničavanje sposobnosti;pristupa zdravljeelektroničkim medijima; primarno obrazovanje; roditeljski utjecaj