DigitalThe technologiespaper will present the findings of a research conducted in education2024 encompasswhich aimed at investigating students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding artificial intelligence (AI), thereby assessing their level of AI literacy. AI literacy is recognized as an essential component of contemporary education, involving the utilizationability ofto variousinteract digitalwith tools,AI software,responsibly and onlineeffectively, resourcesalong to support learning and teaching. The pivotal role of digital technologies lies in transforming the traditional teaching model to enable more dynamic, adaptable, and comprehensive learning. The research aims to gain a deeperwith understanding ofits the role of digital technologies in the teaching process by examining the attitudes and opinions of teachers in naturalethical and social sciencesimplications. regardingThe study sample consists of undergraduate and graduate students from the useUniversity of digitalZagreb, technology in teaching. Additionally, the research assesses teachers' self-perceived digital literacy and competencies. A descriptive research method was employed, andwith data were collected through a survey ofquestionnaire. 105 subject teachers fromThe primary schoolsfocus of the research was to evaluate the depth of students' understanding of AI and its societal impact. It investigated their utilization of AI tools in thelearning Noviand Pazarproblem-solving, region.along with their attitudes and ethical awareness regarding AI. The surveyresults includedshow questionsthat aboutstudents theare frequencyincreasingly ofusing digitalAI technology use, types of media usedtools in thetheir teachinglearning process, learning outcomes through digital technology application, teachers' competencies in information literacy, andbut the level of interactionawareness inof classesethical whereuse digitalis technologiesstill arerelatively present.low. TheThis resultsindicates indicatethe widespreadneed for the development of educational programs focusing on the ethical use of digitalAI technologies in the teaching process, with a significant number of teachers opting for its implementation to enrich the teaching process and enhance students' knowledge. Teachers of natural sciences perceive their level of digital literacy to be higher compared to teachers of social sciences. Further research is needed to identify specific subject areas where the application of digital technologies can most effectively contribute to the improvement of the teaching
digitalAI competencies,literacy, digitalcompetence, technologies,ethics, teachers' attitudes, traditional modelstudents