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Self-efficacy of future teachers of early and preschool education in the implementation of musical activities in kindergarten

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SanjaLidija BlagdanićNikolić, GordanaAna MišćevićBićanić

Faculty of Education, University of BelgradeJosip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 714  


The transitionsuccessful fromimplementation of a high-quality music education program in early childhood depends not only on musical and methodological competencies but to a large extent on the self-efficacy of the early and preschool education teachers in teaching music (Vanatta-Hall, 2010).

This study aims to school is an important topic that requires a systematic approach. The key competences for lifelong learning, defined bydetermine the Europeanself-efficacy Union,of arestudents implementedof in current preschoolearly and schoolpreschool education in Serbia.implementing Onemusical activities in kindergarten.

A total of 248 undergraduate students of Early and preschool education at the Faculty of Education of the keyJosip competencesJuraj Strossmayer University in Osijek were surveyed. For this study, the Questionnaire on self-efficacy in implementing musical activities in kindergarten for future early and preschool education teachers was designed. The adapted questionnaire Self-assessment of musical competencies was also used (Nikolić and Ercegovac-Jagnjić, 2024) in the research.

The results show that students of early and preschool education have a developed self-efficacy for musical activities in kindergarten, but not at a satisfactory level. Students have the highest level of self-efficacy in implementing singing, listening to music, and counting-out rhymes, while self-efficacy in implementing other musical activities is Learninglower. toLower learn,self-efficacy aswas italso enables developing efficiencyevident in learning,independently continuousdesigning improvement,all gainingmusical self-confidence,activities. asSelf-efficacy wellfor asmusical successactivities in various life contexts. This research aims to discover students’ previous experiences regarding their school or out-of-school learning. A mixed-methods research procedurekindergarten was used,higher including pilot interview protocol. During the interview, thein students createdwith theirprior ownmusical Learningexperience. Poster.It Theis responsesnoted that self-efficacy increased with a year of 36 second-grade students indicated that the learning of two basic school subjects (Serbian languagestudy and Mathematics)was andpositively desirable prosocial behavior were perceived as the most important things they have learned so far in school.

Two thirds of students prefer learning in cooperation with other students, while the majority of students have an intrinsic motivation for learning. Cooperative learning is perceived as the usual way of doing schoolwork and as useful for everyday life. In addition, students recognize the use of a research approach in school.

In general, the mentioned pointsrelated to the existencelevel of continuityself-assessed betweenmusical competencies (r=0.77).

The paper emphasizes the need for qualitative changes in the music education of future early and preschool andeducation primary school levels of education. A certain lack of continuity can be observed through the students’ claims that learning through play is quite rarely represented. How to systematically regulate the educational transition in all aspects important for the childteachers and the family and how to maintain students’ intrinsic motivationneed for learningfurther researching the factors of their self-efficacy in olderimplementing grades,musical remainactivities openin questions.kindergarten.


Key words


educationalcompetencies; transition;music learning;education; musical skills; methodological competencies; early and preschool education; primary education; studentseducation.