The successfundamental right of learningevery child is the right to quality nurturing and education. The process of growth and development of a child, its social development needs to be fostered in an online environment canwhere beit relatedfeels safe and satisfied. This thesis emphasizes the importance of including children in vulnerable situations (poor children, children belonging to somethe characteristicsRoma national minority, children with developmental disabilities, refugee and migrant children, children living in remote rural settlements and children growing up in unfavorable family circumstances) in the early and preschool nurturing and education, considering that the support attitudes of teachingpreschool andteachers personalityconstitute traitsone of the students.fundamental Therefore,factors two research questions were posed: 1. What arein the advantagessuccessful of instruction in an online environment from the point of view of students with different personality traits (extraversion/introversion and the need for cognition)? 2. What are the disadvantages of instruction in an online environment from the point of view of students with different personality traits (extraversion/introversion and the need for cognition)?
The participants were 256 students from Zagreb and Zadar (79% female, average age: 25). Quantitative and qualitative methodology was used. The participants completed an online questionnaire that contained the Extraversion scale, the Need for Cognition Scale, and two open-ended questions about the advantages and disadvantages of instruction in an online environment. Based on the data from the personality scales, the participants were divided into four groups: 1. high introversion (n = 43), 2. high extraversion (n = 44), 3. low need for cognition (n = 37) and 4. high need for cognition (n = 42). The resultsimplementation of the thematicinclusion analysisprocess. withinNumerous thesefactors groupscontribute showedto the vulnerability of children, they are interrelated and interconditioned, arising as a result of the interaction of an array of individual and environmental factors that introvertedchange studentsin time. Participants in this research are a group of convenience sampled preschool teachers. The aim of this thesis is to research the opinions of preschool teachers regarding the provision of support to and studentseffective with a high needinterventions for cognitionchildren highlightedin vulnerable situations. For the independent organizationpurposes of timethis research, the Teacher's Readiness Questionnaire and thesupport availability of lecture recordings as advantages. Extraverted students highlighted fewer opportunities to participate in classes, to communicate with professors, and lack of direct contact as disadvantages. Students with a high needfactors for cognitionsuccessful pointedpreschool outinclusion lowerwill qualitybe ofutilized instruction,(Skočić lessMihić, opportunity2011). to discuss and communicate with professors as disadvantages, which resulted in lower engagement and motivation of these students. The results are in accordance with the theoretical framework and have practical implications inIn the context of teachingthe obtained results, the thesis aims to show which support factors from the perspective of preschool teachers are considered effective for the learning and the socialization of children in anvulnerable online environment.situations.