ProfessionalHigh-quality developmenteducation is the foundation of a prosperous society. Teachers are a crucial factor in the education system. Future teachers in Croatia study for their jobs in different ways, depending on their course of study. Teachers of vocational subjects in vocational schools acquire their professional education in one of the non-teaching degree programs. They start their teaching career when they are employed at a vocational school. Before this, they have not acquired any didactic, methodological, pedagogical, or psychological competencies.
Apprentice’s expectations and promotionthe complex reality of teachersa toteaching higherjob ranksface areeach regulatedother byonly when a person starts working in the Ordinanceeducation onsystem. PromotionThis paper presents the challenges a vocational teacher-apprentice faces at the beginning of Teachers,a Expertteaching Associatescareer. and Headmasters in Primary and Secondary Schools and Student Dormitories. Teachers, expert associates, and headmasters can be promoted to three ranks: mentor, advisor, and excellent advisor. The aim of thisQualitative research was toconducted examineusing an in-depth interview with a teacher-apprentice who has worked for a month in a medical high school (by completing this program, students gain a nurse/medical technician qualification). The interviewee teaches two vocational subjects in the levelthird and fifth grades of satisfactionhigh ofschool. primaryAfter schoolconducting teachersa withstructured opportunitiesinterview, forthe promotiondata toobtained higherwere rankscoded.
and toThe determine if these opportunities differ in termsanalysis of the acquiredinterview promotionreveals the teacher’s strong intrinsic motivation to a higher rank, work experiencewith andchildren, placethe complexity of work.lesson Theplanning research included 673 participants from all parts of Croatia. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The results indicate that onlyfor a quarterteacher-apprentice, the difference between the teacher’s expectations of the participantsstudents are satisfied with promotion opportunities. A statistically significant difference was determined in terms of promotion to a higher rank, meaning thatand the teachersreality; whothe haveenthusiasm, beenknowledge, promoted tend to show a higher level of satisfaction with criteria, flexibility they have in their workmotivation, and financial compensations. In termsinterest of the place of work, there is a statistically significant difference instudents; the opinions of classroom teachers and subject teachers. The results indicate that subject teachers exhibit a higher level of satisfaction with promotion opportunities but seem to be dissatisfied with the benefits that promotion to a higher rank brings. Furthermore, the results reveal that teachers with ten or less than ten years of work experience seem to be more dissatisfied with the durationanalysis of the promotioninfluence processof thanthe theirenvironment moreon experiencedclassroom performance and the inadequate prior education teaching vocational subjects. The paper emphasizes the importance of support from family and friends as well as from work colleagues. The obtainedrole resultsof suggestthe mentor stressed as the most important in recruiting a needteacher toapprentice introduce changes inat the Ordinance on Promotion of Teachers, Expert Associates and Headmasters in Primary and Secondary Schools and Student