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Job satisfaction of vocational teachers in nursing schools / Zadovoljstvo poslom strukovnih nastavnika u školama za medicinske sestre

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Božica Jurinec, Monika Pažur

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 39 


Within the framework of the conducted research, the relationship between working conditions, the reputation of the teaching profession and the job satisfaction of vocational teachers in healthcare was examined. The research is based on previous theories in this field that point to the connection between job satisfaction and working conditions and the reputation of the teaching profession. Given that existing research in Croatia does not explicitly deal with the job satisfaction of vocational teachers in healthcare, the research goal is to examine the job satisfaction of vocational teachers in healthcare employed in secondary schools for nurses and secondary schools that educate different health profiles, and to examine the relationship between job satisfaction of vocational teachers teachers employed in schools that educate nurses and in schools that educate different health profiles with working conditions and the perception of the reputation of the teaching profession. The research was carried out using a quantitative methodology, using a survey questionnaire intended for teachers of the health group of subjects who are employed in secondary schools that carry out the education of general care nurses/general care medical technicians. The questionnaire contained an instrument for measuring job satisfaction (taken from Ho and Au, 2006), an instrument for assessing working conditions (made for research purposes) and an instrument for measuring the perception of the reputation of the teaching profession (made for research purposes). 125 healthcare teachers from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research.

Key words

job satisfaction; professional teachers; reputation; working conditions

Božica Jurinec, Monika Pažur

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 39 


U okviru provedenoga istraživanja ispitan je odnos između uvjeta rada, ugleda nastavničke profesije i zadovoljstva poslom strukovnih nastavnika u zdravstvu. Istraživanje se temelji na dosadašnjim teorijama u ovom području koje upućuju na povezanost zadovoljstvom posla s uvjetima rada i ugledom nastavničke profesije. S obzirom da se postojeća istraživanja u Hrvatskoj ne bave eksplicitno zadovoljstvom posla strukovnih nastavnika u zdravstvu, istraživački je cilj ispitati zadovoljstvo poslom strukovnih nastavnika zaposlenih u srednjim školama za medicinske sestre i srednjim školama koje obrazuju različite zdravstvene profile te ispitati povezanost između zadovoljstva poslom strukovnih nastavnika zaposlenih u školama koje obrazuju medicinske sestre i u školama koje obrazuju različite zdravstvene profile s uvjetima rada i percepcijom ugleda nastavničke profesije. Istraživanje se provelo kvantitativnom metodologijom, pomoću anketnoga upitnika namijenjenoga nastavnicima zdravstvene skupine predmeta koji su zaposleni u srednjima školama koje provode obrazovanje medicinskih sestara opće njege/medicinskih tehničara opće njege. Upitnik je sadržavao Instrument za mjerenje zadovoljstva poslom (preuzet od Ho i Au, 2006.), instrument za procjenu uvjeta rada (izrađen za potrebe istraživanja) i instrument za mjerenje percepcije ugleda nastavničke profesije (izrađen za potrebe istraživanja). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 125 nastavnika zdravstvene njege iz Republike Hrvatske.

Ključne riječi

strukovni nastavnici; ugled; uvjeti rada; zadovoljstvo poslom