InterpretationRapport ofis thea behaviorpositive ofinterpersonal othersconstruct and reactions to it depend on the perception of the cause, whichthat can be challengingapplied to educational environments (Spencer-Oatey, 2015) and viewed as “a close and interactive relationship built on trust, shared control, and engagement in activities aimed at enhancing skills, abilities, or knowledge…” (Wright et al., 2016, p. 1). Does a professionalrelationship context.that Thecould goalbe ofinterpreted as rapport exist between students and teachers in art academies? If so, does it play a role in supporting students' intrinsic motivation through perceived autonomy support and perceived competence from self-determination theory?
A quantitative research was toconducted investigateusing thean influenceonline survey questionnaire. A total of (scarce)316 information about the family context and usual behavior of the child and parents on the perception of the causes and frequency of undesirable child behaviors, as well as the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reaction of (future) preschool teachers.
Participants in this quasi-experimental studyresponses were 176collected graduatefrom students of earlypublic andart preschoolacademies educationin (agethe betweenRepublic 20of andCroatia. 44The years).questionnaire comprised of three adapted instruments. For investigating rapport, the purposesProfessor-Student Rapport Scale (Wilson & Ryan, 2013) was utilized, consisting of thetwo researchdimensions: vignettesstudent were made describing age and the child's undesirable behavior, implying a parenting style (authoritative or permissive) and describing one of four family contexts that are assumed to elicit lower (a child in a biological family or in an adoptive family from a young age, with married parents) or a higher level of acute stress (a child in a biological family with divorced parents or in an adoptive family from an older age).
Results show that assessments of responsibility and the ability to control the child's behavior are significantly lower for the children than for parents, and that they depend on the implied parenting style and family context. Undesirable behaviors of the child are assessed as more common when parents have permissive style. Emotions towards the described children and parents depend on the family context with overall more anger towards the parents, and more regret and compassion towards the child. The results imply the importance of the family contextengagement and perception of theteacher. causesThe Learning Climate Questionnaire (external/internal),Black stability& andDeci, 2000) was employed to assess perceived autonomy support, while the possibilityPerceived ofCompetence controllingScale behavior,(Williams in& accordanceDeci, with1996) thewas propositionsused to measure perceived competence. Demographic data of the attributionstudents theory.were also collected.
The research confirmed that the nature of the relationship between teachers and students in art academies can be characterized as rapport. The results indicate that such a relationship is also one in which students find good autonomy support and experience a sense of competence, which is associated with student persistence, motivation for learning, and positive academic outcomes. However, no association was found between the level of study and higher rapport.