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The correlation between teachers' perceptions of digital textbooks and their use in teaching Croatian language in primary education

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JasnaMartina Kudekkolar Mirošević1,Billege, MirjanaGordana Radetić-Paić2Ivančić

1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education 

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 2123  


InDigital today'smethodological rhythmtemplates facilitate student engagement in the process of lifelearning and enhance the prevalencedevelopment of mentallinguistic healthcompetence problems(Budinski among& youngKolar people,Billege, there2015). isDigital textbooks also enable a growingmethodological needapproach atin facultiesthe forprocess strategiesof mastering reading, and digital methodical instruments facilitate the understanding of the main term (Gazdić-Alerić, Alerić, Budinski & Kolar Billege, 2016). Croatian language teaching can benefit from incorporating new ICT tools in structured methodological acts, especially the methodological procedures that promoteare assumed, within an optimal timeframe and maintainwith athe high leveluse of students’suitable mentalcontent, healthto facilitate student learning and theircompetence well-being.acquisition Studentsmore face different challenges that can significantly affect their academic success, personal development and overall quality of life, and this requires the involvement of their teachersefficiently in creatingcomparison ato stimulatingusual environmentmedia that(Kolar wouldBillege, nurture the mental well-being of students.2020). The aimgoal of this research was to investigatedetermine whetherif therethe wereteachers’ differencesperceptions of the effectiveness of digital textbooks have an impact on their employment in teaching the Croatian language in primary education. This research involved 301 primary school teachers from all counties of the Republic of Croatia. This original survey questionnaire was created using the Microsoft Forms tool and distributed to the teachers through social networks. The research goal was achieved, and the analysis confirmed that the employment frequency of Croatian language digital textbooks in primary education increases as their effectiveness is perceived. Alongside the effectiveness of Croatian language digital textbooks, future research should examine the advantages and disadvantages of their usage in the self-assessmentsteaching ofprocess positiveas mentalwell healthas bythe studentsmethodological who did and who did not have their teachers' support during studies and determine what specific features of positive mental health were involved. The sample of participants consisted of 359 studentsarrangement of the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb, Croatia and the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Jurja Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia. For the purposes of the research, the Mental health continuum-short form -MHC-SF questionnaire was used and an independent scale related to individual features of the environment support was added. Differences in the self-assessments of individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health were examined based on discriminant analysis in order to gain insight into the latent dimensions of these differences. The results confirmed the existence of statistically significant differences in the self-assessment of individual characteristics of students’ positive mental health considering the support or lack of support given by their university teachers. Regardless of the characteristics of teacher support, the results also showedcontent that a certain number ofreaches students feltthrough thatdigital teachers did not provide support when it comes to positive mental health characteristics.


Key words

Croatian language, primary education, teaching methodologyenvironment; personal development; psychoemotional gain; quality of life; support strategies

JasnaMartina Kudekkolar Mirošević1,Billege, MirjanaGordana Radetić-Paić2Ivančić

1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education 

2Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 2123  


UDigitalni današnjemmetodički brzompredlošci ritmuomogućuju životaaktivno sudjelovanje učenika u procesu učenja te omogućuju razvoj jezične kompetencije (Budinski i prevalencijiKolar problemaBillege, mentalnoga2015). zdravljaU međuprocesu mladima,ovladavanja svečitanjem metodički je većpristup omogućen i s pomoću digitalnih udžbenika, a potrebadigitalni nametodički fakultetimainstrumentarij omogućuje spoznavanje ključnoga pojma (Gazdić-Alerić, Alerić, Budinski i Kolar Billege, 2016). Za poučavanje hrvatskoga jezika u strukturiranom metodičkom činu moguće je primijeniti nova sredstva IKT-a, osobito u metodičkim postupcima za strategijama koje promičse pretpostavlja da će u optimalnom vremenu i održavaju visoku razinu mentalnoga zdravlja studenata i njihove dobrobiti. Studenti se suočavaju s različitimimplementacijom izazovimaoptimalnoga kojisadržaja moguomogućiti značajnoučenicima utjecatiučenje naili njihovstjecanje akademskikompetencija uspjeh,bolje osobninego razvojuobičajeni imediji ukupnu(Kolar kvalitetuBillege, života, što ima za potrebu uključivanje njihovih nastavnika u stvaranju poticajnoga okružja koje njeguje mentalnu dobrobit studenata.2020). Cilj je ovogaistraživanja radabio istražitiutvrditi postojeutječe li razlikepercepcija učitelja o korisnosti digitalnih udžbenika na njihovu upotrebu u samoprocjenamanastavnom pozitivnogapredmetu mentalnogaHrvatski zdravlja studenata koji imaju i koji nemaju podršku nastavnika tijekom studiranja i, ako postoje, o kojim se specifičnim obilježjima pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja radi. Uzorak sudionika čini 359 studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilištajezik u Zagrebuprimarnom iobrazovanju. FakultetaU zaistraživanju odgojneje isudjelovao obrazovne301 znanostiučitelj Sveučilištarazredne Jurjanastave Dobrileiz svih županija Republike Hrvatske. Originalni anketni upitnik oblikovan je u Puli.alatu ZaMicrosoft potrebe istraživanja korišten je upitnik Mental health continuum-short form -MHC-SFforms te je dodanaupućen učiteljima pomoću društvenih mreža. Cilj je istraživanja ostvaren te je analizom potvrđeno da učestalost korištenja digitalnih udžbenika Hrvatskoga jezika u primarnom obrazovanju raste s percepcijom njihove korisnosti. Osim korisnosti digitalnih udžbenika hrvatskoga jezika, buduća bi istraživanja trebala obuhvatiti prednosti i neovisnanedostatke skalanjihove vezana za pojedina obilježja podrške okružja. Razlikeupotrebe u samoprocjeninastavnome pojedinihprocesu, obilježjaali pozitivnogai mentalnogametodičko zdravljastrukturiranje studenata ispitane su temeljem diskriminacijske analize kako bi se stekao uvid u latentne dimenzije tih razlika. Rezultati potvrđuju postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u samoprocjeni pojedinih obilježja pozitivnoga mentalnoga zdravlja studenatasadržaja koji imajudolazi ido kojiučenika nemajus podršku sveučilišnih nastavnika. Neovisno o podršci nastavnika, rezultati također pokazuju da određeni broj studenata smatra da im nastavnici ne pružaju podršku kada su pomoću pitanjudigitalnih pozitivna obilježja mentalnoga zdravlja.   udžbenika.

Ključne riječi

kvalitetahrvatski života;jezik, okružje;metodika, osobnirazredna razvoj; psihoemocionalna dobit; strategije podrškenastava