The aimcurrent study assessed the acute effects of thisaerobic research was to determine how kindergarten teachers, with regard to their years of work experience, estimate the importance of physical activities impactexercise on theearly developmentnumeracy skills of preschool children,children. asNinety-three wellchildren aswere randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. Besides 5 minutes of warm-up and 5 minutes of cooling down activities, the implementationexercise protocol performed by the experimental group involved games and relay races at moderate to high intensity for 20 min. Immediately following the exercise participants from the experimental group completed tasks from math areas of structurednumeracy, operations, geometry and unstructuredspatial physicalsense, activitiespatterning, inand kindergarten.measurement. AThe totalsame oftasks 112were kindergartencompleted teachers participated inby the research.control Forgroup, this purpose, a scale of 19 statements was constructed, on whichbut the value was estimated from 1 (do not agree at all) to 5 (completely agree). Using factor analysis, 4 main components were isolated, which in total explain 45%time of the variance.test Withwas varimaxnot rotation,related 4to factorsthe exercise. The experimental treatment was conducted once a week for one month, allowing four assessments. Composite scores of each testing were obtainedcompared -favoring teachers' competence and motivation for implementing physical activities in kindergarten (6 items), influence of regular physical activity on children's development (5 items), implementing physical activities in kindergarten (5 items), support and material conditions (4 items). The differences in factors with regard to years of work experience were calculated by the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed significant differences in favor of kindergarten teachers with 11 and more years of work experience in the factors of influence of regular physical activity on children's development and support and material working conditions. Teachers with more years of work experience have a significantly more positive attitude towards physical activity on the development of children. They also estimate that they have more supportchildren from the schoolexperimental principal and other professional servicesgroup in the implementationtwo of kinesiologicalfour activities,examinations. asFindings wellfrom asthe morecurrent sportsstudy requisitessuggest andthat equipmentacute forexercise variousmay physicalbenefit activities.some aspects of early numeracy skills in preschool children.
educators,early freenumeracy, play,exercise, preschool age, self-assessment, structured physical activitieschildren