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Construction of a specific test for coordination assessment in rhythmic gymnastics / Konstrukcija specifičnoga testa za procjenu koordinacije u ritmičkoj gimnastici

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Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2

1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

2Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb,

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 174



Rhythmic gymnastics is a conventional sport that contains its own artistic component. In addition to skillfully manipulating the five required apparatus, rhythmic gymnasts must also control their body movements in harmony with the music to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing performance. The same requires great coordination ability, as one of the most important motor abilities in rhythmic gymnastics. The aim of this paper was to construct a coordination assessment test applicable specifically to rhythmic gymnastics. The sample consisted of 40 rhythmic gymnasts aged 9-12. For coordination assessment, three previously developed tests and one newly constructed test were used: "Side gallop with rope". The results show that the newly constructed test measures the coordination necessary for the successful performance in rhythmic gymnastics, but only in the observed sample. There is a statistically significant difference between individual measurements (p<0.05) and a statistically significant correlation (p<0.001), therefore this test is considered reliable. It would be good to implement the newly constructed test when selecting children for the rhythmic gymnastics program, as well as during transition measurements in the training process.

Key words

metric characteristics, motor abilities, newly developed test, rhythmic gymnasts

Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2

1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

2Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb,

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 174 


Ritmička gimnastika je konvencionalni sport koji ima svoju umjetničku komponentu. Osim što manipulira s pet rekvizita prateći ritam i tempo glazbe, ritmičarka kontrolira zadane pokrete tijelom, što čini jedinstvo u ljepoti izvedbe. Za isto je potrebna velika sposobnost koordinacije, kao jedne od najvažnijih motoričkih sposobnosti u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Cilj rada bio je konstruirati test za procjenu koordinacije primjenjiv specifično za ritmičku gimnastiku. Uzorak ispitanica činile su 40 ritmičarki u dobi od 9 do 12 godina. Koordinacija je procijenjena s već tri poznata testa i jednim novokonstruiranim testom Galop strance kroz vijaču. Rezultati pokazuju da isti procjenjuje koordinaciju potrebnu za uspješnu izvedbu elemenata u ritmičkoj gimnastici, no samo na promatranom uzorku ispitanica. Postoji statistički značajna razlika između pojedinih mjerenja (p < 0,05) i statistički značajna korelacija (p < 0,001), stoga se ovaj test smatra pouzdanim. Bilo bi dobro da se novi test implementira pri odabiru djece za selekciju u ritmičkoj gimnastici kao i kod prolaznih mjerenja u trenažnom procesu.

Ključne riječi

metrijske karakteristike; motoričke sposobnosti; novokonstruirani test; ritmičarke