RhythmicInvolving gymnasticschildren in sports at an early age contributes to their physical and mental health. The motor skills that children develop during childhood greatly influence their abilities later in life. Although it is a conventional sportknown that containsphysical itsactivity own artistic component. In addition to skillfully manipulating the five required apparatus, rhythmic gymnasts must also control their body movements in harmony with the music to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing performance. The same requires great coordination ability, asis one of the most important motorfactors abilitiesfor the healthy development of children, some studies show that more and more children are insufficiently active, which results in rhythmicobesity gymnastics.and Thenumerous aimother health losses. It is extremely important to educate parents and educators about the importance of sports, its contribution to a better quality of life, and the benefits children achieve by engaging in physical activity or sports. Therefore, the goal of this paperresearch was to constructdetermine the current state of motor skills of preschool children and whether there is a coordinationdifference assessmentin testthe applicablemotor specificallyskills of children who play sports and those who do not play any sport. The research involved 40 children from a Zagreb kindergarten, aged 5 to rhythmic6.5. gymnastics.Within Thethe sampleresearch, consistedan affirmative hypothesis was put forward, which shows that there are differences in motor skills between preschool children who play sports and those who do not, in favor of 40those rhythmicwho gymnastsplay agedsports. 9-12.This Forhypothesis coordinationwas assessment,partially threeconfirmed previouslysince developedthe testschild athletes showed better motor skills in four measured variables, namely: back bend polygon, sit-ups in 30 seconds, standing long jump and onehand newlytapping. constructedIn testthe weretwo used:measured "Sidevariables, gallop with rope". Thethe results show that the newly constructed test measures the coordination necessary for the successful performance in rhythmic gymnastics, but only in the observed sample. Therethere is ano statistically significant difference between individual measurements (p<0.05)athletes and non-athletes, namely: standing on one leg on a statisticallycube and torso forward bend. While the statistical analysis did not reveal significant correlationdifferences (p<0.001),between thereforeathletes thisand test is considered reliable. It would be good to implement the newly constructed test when selecting children for the rhythmic gymnastics program, as well as during transition measurementsnon-athletes in the trainingtwo process.measured variables, athletes consistently outperformed their non-athlete peers. This suggests that sports undoubtedly have a positive impact on children's motor skills, emphasizing the importance of encouraging children to participate in physical activities whenever possible.
metric characteristics, motor abilities,skills, newlyparental developedsupport, test,quality rhythmicof gymnastslife