Preskoči na glavni sadržaj

The prevalence of leisure activities – What is the significance of gender and faculty? / Prevalencija aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena – ima li veze spol i fakultet?

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Irena Klasnić, Marina Đuranović, Siniša Opić

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,,,

Education for personal and professional development

Number of the paper: 16  


The aim of the research was to examine the prevalence of leisure activities and the ways in which students spend their leisure time, in terms of their gender and the faculty attended. The research included 670 students (461 female students), from the first to fifth year of study. The sample comprised students from six faculties of the University of Zagreb – The Academy of Music (16.4%), The Faculty of Kinesiology (17.3%), The Faculty of Science (17%), The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (16.3%), The Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (16.1%) and The Faculty of Teacher Education (16.9%).

The obtained results have shown that students tend to spend their leisure time socializing with friends, listening to music and relaxing, and surfing the Internet. The least frequently mentioned leisure activities were involvement in student associations, doing yoga and dancing. Out of 42 variables of leisure activities, six composite variables were created: Cultural activities, Relaxation activities, Electronic media and the Internet, Useful activities, Sport, and Socializing and going out. A statistically significant difference was determined in the prevalence of leisure time in most of the activities, both in terms of students' gender and the faculty they attend. In comparison with their male colleagues, female students tend to spend more of their leisure time engaging in Cultural activities, (Mf = 1.96; Mm = 1.79), Relaxation activities (Mf = 3.26; Mm = 2.90), Useful activities (Mf = 2.24; Mm = 2.12) and Socializing and going out (Mf = 3.05; Mm = 2.78). However, male students tend to spend more leisure time engaging in Sport (Mf = 1.98; Mm = 2.13) than their female colleagues. The results indicate significant differences in the prevalence of leisure activities in terms of the faculty attended, in all composite variables, except Electronic media and the Internet. Research results contribute to a better understanding of the way in which students spend their leisure time.



Key words

faculty; gender difference; leisure time; students

Irena Klasnić, Marina Đuranović, Siniša Opić

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,,,

Odgoj i obrazovanje za osobni i profesionalni razvoj

Broj rada: 16  


Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati prevalenciju aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena i načine provođenja slobodnoga vremena studenata ovisno o spolu i fakultetu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 670 studenata (461 studentica), od prve do pete godine studija. Uzorkom su bili obuhvaćeni studenti sa šest sastavnica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: Muzička akademija (16,4 %), Kineziološki fakultet (17,3 %), Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet (17,0 %), Filozofski fakultet (16,3 %), Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet (16,1 %) i Učiteljski fakultet (16,9 %).

Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da se studenti u slobodno vrijeme najčešće druže s prijateljima, opuštaju uz glazbu i surfaju internetom, a najrjeđe rade u udruzi studenata, bave se jogom te idu na ples. Od 42 varijable provođenja slobodnoga vremena kreirano je šest kompozitnih varijabli: Kulturne aktivnosti, Opuštajuće aktivnosti, Elektronički medij i internet, Korisne aktivnosti, Sport te Druženje i izlasci. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u prevalenciji aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena na većini aktivnosti i po spolu i po fakultetu na kojem studenti studiraju. Tako studentice više od svojih kolega studenata slobodno vrijeme provode u Kulturnim aktivnostima (Mž = 1,96; Mm = 1,79), Opuštajućim aktivnostima (Mž = 3,26; Mm =2,90), Korisnim aktivnostima (Mž = 2,24; Mm = 2,12) te za Druženje i izlaske (Mž = 3,05; Mm = 2,78), dok studenti više slobodnoga vremena koriste za Sport (Mž  = 1,98; Mm  = 2,13). Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike u prevalenciji aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena s obzirom na fakultet na svim kompozitnim varijablama osim na varijabli Elektronički mediji i internet. Nalazi istraživanja doprinose boljem razumijevanju provođenju slobodnoga vremena studenata.    

Ključne riječi

fakultet; slobodno vrijeme; spolne razlike; studenti