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The relationship between diet, leisure-time habits, and the physical fitness of students enrolled in Military Studies at the University of Zagreb

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MarkoDomagoj Badrić1, Leona Roca2Bagarić

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb


2PrimaryMilitary school Mladost, LekenikStudies

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 176177



The aim of thisthe workresearch iswas to establish the analysisrelationship between diet, lifestyle habits during leisure time, and the physical fitness of upbringingstudents orof educationalMilitary valuesStudies fromat the aspectUniversity of Zagreb. A total of 206 participants, comprising 159 males and 47 females, were included in the study.

The participants completed a questionnaire regarding the frequency of consumption of various foods, a survey on physical activity during leisure time, and inquiries about certain lifestyle habits. The overall result of the physical fitness test, conducted as part of the Physical and Health Education curriculum, served as the measure of physical fitness.

Regression and covariance analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between physical activity during leisure time, dietary behaviors, and physical fitness. Additionally, differences in physical fitness based on the frequency of consumption of specific foods were explored.

The findings indicated that the model incorporating physical activity during leisure time, attention to the consumption of healthy foods, and the use of dietary supplements significantly predicted participants' physical fitness. Notably, the use of dietary supplements emerged as a significant factor, with supplement users demonstrating higher physical fitness test scores.

Furthermore, participants who reported daily consumption of desserts, sweets, and fast food tended to achieve slightly lower physical fitness test results, even when controlling for their level of physical activity withduring the aim of obtaining the best possible information about the creation of a healthy lifestyle for students. Physical movement is considered one of the most important human life needs. The fact itself, which has been scientifically proven in numerous previous studies, indicates that people today engage in insufficient physical activity, directly putting their health at risk. Physical inactivity has reached the proportions of a pandemic occurring in the lives of young people today. A review of previous research revealed that physical activity and sedentary behavior are strong predictors of compromised health in children and young people. Education is one of the components of educational systems whose values would try to instill the habit of lifelong physical exercise. Students' continuous participation in physical activity can only be achieved with physical exercise content that will cause a feeling of motivation and satisfaction. These facts are observed through the prism of each child’s or student’s progress, and the discussion revolves around whether the education system can provide children and students with the opportunity to adopt educational values for physical exercise. The important role of upbringing in physical education is emphasized, considering all the facts, thus ensuring a better, higher-quality, and healthier future for children of all age groups, as well as for society. Children today are surrounded by countless modern sources that offer access to numerous varied contents in a shortleisure time. Due to the large number of these contents, they do not focus and concentrate on anything for long periods. The inability to maintain attention and concentration makes it difficult to master educational content, necessitating the introduction of shorter physical activities during the teaching process that will contribute to their concentration and motivation.

Key words

 health,dietary supplements, functional abilities, motor skills, smoking, physical education, physical exercise, school, upbringingactivity

MarkoDomagoj Badrić1, Leona Roca2Bagarić

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb


2PrimaryMilitary school Mladost, LekenikStudies

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 176177  


Cilj istraživanja bio je ovogaustanoviti radavezu između prehrane i nekih životnih navika u slobodno vrijeme te tjelesne spremnosti studenata Vojnih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 206 sudionika, 159 muškoga i 47 ženskoga spola.

Sudionici su ispunjavali upitnik o učestalosti konzumacije različitih namirnica, upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme, nekim životnim navikama, dok se kao tjelesna spremnost koristio ukupni rezultat na testu tjelesne spremnosti koji se za studente provodi na nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture.

Provedene su regresijska analiza odgojai odnosnoanalize odgojnihkovarijance vrijednostipri sčemu aspektase testirala povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme i nekih ponašanja vezanih u prehranu s ciljemtjelesnom dobivanjaspremnošću štote kvalitetnijihrazlika informacijau tjelesnoj spremnosti ovisno o stvaranjaučestalosti zdravogakonzumacije životnogpojedinih stilanamirnica.


Rezultati Tjelesnosu kretanjepokazali odnosnoda model koji uključuje tjelesnu aktivnost smatrau slobodno vrijeme pozornost usmjerenu na unos zdravih namirnica i korištenje suplemenata značajno predviđa tjelesnu spremnost sudionika. Prvenstveno se jednompokazalo odznačajnim najvažnijihkorištenje ljudskih životnih potreba. Sama činjenica koja je znanstveno dokazanasuplemenata u brojnimprehrani dosadašnjimpri istraživanjimačemu odnosisudionici koji koriste suplemente, postižu više rezultate na testu tjelesne spremnosti.

Također, sudionici koji na dnevnoj bazi konzumiraju deserte i slastice te brzu hranu, postižu nešto niže rezultate na testu tjelesne spremnosti čak i kad se na to da se suvremeni čovjek nedovoljno kreće i da time direktno svoje zdravlje dovodi u zdravstveni rizik. Tjelesna neaktivnost zauzela je razmjere pandemije koja je danas osobito uočljiva u životu mladih. Pregledom dosadašnjih istraživanja utvrđeno je da sunjihova tjelesna aktivnost u slobodno vrijeme drži nekretanjepod jedanstatističkom od snažnih prediktora narušenoga zdravlja djece i mladih. Odgoj je jedna od komponenti obrazovnih sustava pomoću čijih bi se vrijednosti pokušalo usaditi stvaranje navike cjeloživotnoga tjelesnog vježbanja. Kontinuirano participiranje u tjelesnoj aktivnosti učenika moguće je ostvariti samo sadržajima tjelesnoga vježbanja koji će izazvati osjećaj motiviranosti i zadovoljstva. Navedene činjenice promatraju se kroz prizmu napretka svakog djeteta odnosno učenika te se raspravlja može li se kroz školski sustav pružiti djeci i učenicima mogućnost za usvajanje odgojnih vrijednosti za tjelesno vježbanje. Naglašena je značajna uloga odgoja u tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi uzimajući u obzir sve činjenice te se time osigurava bolja, kvalitetnija i zdravija budućnost djece svih dobnih skupina, ali i cjelokupnoga društva. Djeca današnjice okružena su bezbrojnim suvremenim izvorima koji im nude da u kratkom vremenu pristupe velikom broju različitih sadržaja. Zbog brojnosti tih sadržaja ni na čemu ne zadržavaju pozornost i koncentraciju dulje vrijeme. Nemogućnost zadržavanja pažnje i koncentracije otežava savladavanje obrazovnih sadržaja te je potrebno uvoditi kraće tjelesne aktivnosti tijekom nastavnoga procesa koje će doprinijeti njihovoj koncentraciji, ali i motiviranosti. kontrolom.

Ključne riječi

odgoj;dodatci škola;prehrani; funkcionalne sposobnosti; motoričke sposobnosti; pušenje; tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura; tjelesno vježbanje;, zdravlje aktivnost