The goalpaper is based on previous knowledge from the field related to job satisfaction and continuous stress, which often results in burnout at work.
Conducted research in the field of job satisfaction is mainly related to the level of stress present in secondary vocational school teachers, but the existence of burnout at work has not been proven.
Therefore, the research wasgoal is to determineexamine the possiblerelationship differencesbetween job satisfaction and job burnout among teachers teaching in thesecondary perceptionvocational schools.
It will be examined whether there is a difference between teacher of ateaching "desirable"major and teacher byof students,non-teaching theirmajor parents,certain aspects of job satisfaction and the teacherslevel themselves.of Forburnout at work, as well as the purposesexistence of thedifferences research,depending on gender. The research will be conducted using a qualitative methodology, using a survey questionnaire whichintended determinesfor the characteristicsteachers of desirablegeneral (ideal?) teachers was constructed. Teaching method, communication style (eg. willingness to answer the questions)education and somevocational aspectssubjects ofwho non-verbalteach communicationin (eg.vocational physicalsecondary features and style of clothing) are assessed. Also, the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (Diener et al., 1985) and the Flourishing Scale (Diener et al., 2010) were used.schools.
The resultsquestionnaire will contain the Job Satisfaction Survey Scale (Spector, 1994) and the Job Burnout Scale, the Oldenburg Job Burnout Questionnaire - OLBI (Demereuti et al., 2003).
More than 120 secondary vocational school teachers from the Republic of thisCroatia researchwill can be usedparticipate in the creation of professional training programs for teachers, workshops for parents and pupils about acceptance of different teacher profiles in the order to better understand and accept the changes brought by the new era, and with the aim of developing a quality and sustainable education system.research.