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Attending cultural events as a prerequisite for successful practice of future educators in the field of music activities / Pohađanje kulturnih događanja kao preduvjet uspješne prakse budućih

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Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth

Number of the paper: 161



Students of the Undergraduate Study of Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb (UFZG), within the framework of the Music Culture course, should attend concerts of classical and jazz music organized by the Faculty within the Music Scene program in cooperation with the music production of the Croatian Radio television. The paper aims to examine the attitudes and opinions of Early Childhood Education (ECE) students about the importance and need to attend cultural events, especially concerts, for successful and quality performance of music activities with children of early and preschool age and to compare them with the results of the previously conducted research (Jurkić Sviben & Mičija Palić, 2023) in which the respondents were students of teacher education studies. The results indicate that ECE students were aware that for successful performance of music activities in kindergarten, it is necessary for the educator to actively attend cultural events. However, compared to the attitudes of students in teacher education studies, the attitude of ECE students is less pronounced than that of students in teacher education studies.

The results indicate that it is essential to cultivate cultural awareness in students during their education to highlight the significance of training future educators in the broader field of culture, including music culture. This awareness is vital to foster and encourage the importance of perceiving and receiving culture, particularly music culture, when working with children and young people.

Key words

concerts; cultural awareness; early childhood education; music culture; teacher education studies
Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

Važnost umjetničkog obrazovanja

Broj rada: 161 


Studenti prijediplomskoga studija Rani i predškolski odgoj na Učiteljskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u okviru nastave kolegija Glazbena kultura imaju obvezu pohađanja koncerata klasične i jazz glazbe koje fakultet organizira u sklopu Glazbene scene UFZG-a u suradnji s glazbenom proizvodnjom Hrvatske radiotelevizije.

Cilj je rada ispitati stavove i mišljenja studenata odgojiteljskoga studija o važnosti i potrebi pohađanja kulturnih događanja, posebice koncerata, za uspješno i kvalitetno izvođenje glazbenih aktivnosti s djecom rane i predškolske dobi te ih usporediti s rezultatima prethodno provedenoga istraživanja (Jurkić Sviben i Mičija Palić, 2023) u kojemu su ispitanici bili studenti učiteljskih studija.

Rezultati ukazuju na to da su studenti Ranog i predškolskog odgoja koji pohađaju kulturna događanja svjesni da je za uspješno izvođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću potrebno da odgojitelj aktivno konzumira kulturna događanja, no u usporedbi sa stavovima studenata učiteljskih studija, stav studenata odgojiteljskih studija manje je izražen u odnosu na isti stav studenata učiteljskih studija.

Temeljem rezultata moguće je zaključiti da je studente i odgojiteljskih i učiteljskih studija važno kulturno osvješćivati tijekom studija jer im se time podiže svijest o važnosti obrazovanja budućih odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika u području kulture općenito, kao i glazbene kulture koja je njezin sastavni dio, kako bi važnost percepcije i recepcije kulture, posebno one glazbene, razvijali i poticali u radu s djecom i mladima.

Ključne riječi

glazbena kultura; koncerti; kulturna osviještenost; studij Ranog i predškolskog odgoja, Učiteljski studij